Kissena Park, Saturday, 2 Nov 2013   7:30AM-1:15PM

A mild and enjoyable day of relaxed yet intensely focused birding led by 
Eric Miller produced some surprising numbers but no real rarities for 
the date. Other species encountered were at least half a dozen Norway 
rats (very beautiful, if pesky) and a Question Mark/Comma butterfly.

14 Canada Goose
     2 American Black Duck
     4 Mallard
     4 Ring-necked Pheasant
     13+ Double-crested Cormorant
1 Great Cormorant
     1 Cooper's Hawk
     2 Red-tailed Hawk
     1 Ring-billed Gull
     3 Herring Gull (American)
     11 Rock Pigeon
     12 Mourning Dove
     1 Red-headed Woodpecker
     7 Red-bellied Woodpecker
     2 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
     6 Downy Woodpecker
     1 Hairy Woodpecker
     2 Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)
     2 American Kestrel
     1 Merlin
     14 Eastern Phoebe
     3 Blue-headed Vireo
     9 Blue Jay
     3 American Crow
     3 White-breasted Nuthatch
     2 Brown Creeper
     1 Winter Wren
     3 Carolina Wren
     6 Golden-crowned Kinglet
     16 Ruby-crowned Kinglet
     10 Hermit Thrush
     27 American Robin
     1 Gray Catbird
     3 Brown Thrasher
     7 Northern Mockingbird
     17 European Starling
     26 Cedar Waxwing
     1 Northern Parula
     2 Palm Warbler (Western)
     4 Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
     1 Black-throated Green Warbler
     5 Eastern Towhee
     10 Chipping Sparrow
     1 Field Sparrow
     2 Vesper Sparrow
     4 Fox Sparrow (Red)
     78 Song Sparrow
     10 Swamp Sparrow
     122 White-throated Sparrow
     4 Dark-eyed Junco (Slate-colored)
     8 Northern Cardinal
     1 Indigo Bunting
     21 Red-winged Blackbird
     4 House Finch
     7 American Goldfinch
     22 House Sparrow
1 Linnet (continuing, seen briefly by a few members of the party)

Patricia Lindsay
Bay Shore


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