The Bronx-Westchester Christmas Bird Count will be held next Sunday, December 22, 2013. The count has recorded 227 species and averages 117 species a year. Last year we tied the high of 126 species and had 100 participants for the first time. If you would like to join us on the count; visit the count’s web page at then click on the participation link. The count has an 89-year history and was started by the famed Bronx County Bird Club in 1924. The Bronx-Westchester count is organized into 6 regional areas; East Bronx, West Bronx (from the Bronx River to the west), Yonkers, Hudson Valley (Hastings, Dobbs Ferry, Ardsley area), Rye (Rye and Harrison), and Scarsdale (which covers Scarsdale through Mt. Vernon over to New Rochelle and north to Mamaroneck). The count’s web site also has all the numbers for the past 89 years, with over 20 years of reports broken up into area. Forms, check lists, summaries and other historical data can also be found. Hope to see you on the count. Michael Bochnik
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