With the weather forecast for today being grand, I thought "grand", and
headed for  Montauk, with it's "winter specials", many having
been seen quite recently. I left with a realistic list of 11 target
species, and returned with only 2 of these seen, plus one addition, that
made me quickly forget all the misses !

I started in Sagaponack, but couldn't find the Graylag Goose. The field on
Further Lane held only Canadas. Deep hole Ranch held only
horses. Montauk Point was fairly quiet, with all 3 scoters and C. Eider
accounting for most of the birds. I did get one Razorbill feeding just off
the n/s of the point. Six other stops in the Montauk area were also left

Although getting a N. Harrier on the way into Lazy Point, after missing on
the Hicks Island "snowy", and even on Larry, the long standing, LBBG,
Napeauge was fast becoming a disappointment. As I was leaving Lazy Point
proper on L.P. Rd., I saw a bird hunting over the marsh, just s/o the water
that holds the many rows of flotation devices (?). At first I thought it
was the harrier again, but in short order, even before I got the binoculars
up, recognized it to be the first Short-eared Owl I've had in a number of
years. I watched it work it's way to the east, and tried catching up to it
by heading east on Napeauge Meadow Rd., without success. *Asio otus* sure
made my day !

On the way home, I looked for the graylag on Daniels, Hedges and Parsonage
Lanes in Sagaponack and missed again. There were sizable flocks of Canadas
on both Hedges & Parsonage, and was rewarded for my effort by finding a
Greater White-fronted Goose in the Hedges grouping. This bird appears to be
an adult "Greenland", a very dark brown individual, with a sizable white
"front", a very bright yellow/orange bill, a large amount of black on the
belly, and bright orange legs..



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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