Hi Everyone,

Just got back from birding Nassau's North Shore - weather sucks, but good
birding - highlights:

Oyster Bay Mill Pond (9:30 am) 11 Drake Pintails with one Eurasian Wigeon

Oyster Bay Sanctuary/ Oak Neck Creek (10:45am): at least 100 Canvasbacks
(lots of other various ducks)

Bayville (Soundside Beach Park) (10:00 am) White Wing and Surf Scoters -
close to shore, only a handful of Goldeneye

Also noteworthy, Cold Spring Harbor had impressive numbers of waterfowl at
the mouth of the harbor: lots of American Wigeon, Gadwall, Canada Geese,
Mute Swans, Brant, Buffleheads, Mallards, Hooded Mergansers, and 5 Great
Blue Herons.

St John's Pond, although now ice free, was practically empty except for a
few Great Blue Herons, 2 Hooded Mergansers, and a Kingfisher.  Hopefully
will pick up later.

Shouldn't complain, but couldn't find a single Redhead.

Good birding,
Rob in Massapequa
(loading pics to my blog during the week)


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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