This morning's activity deserves a proper write up.  I began birding the tulip 
tree trail which is an asphalt trail connecting Oakland lake to Alley Pond Park 
forest.  It was nice to hear woodthrush and blue-winged warbler. American 
Redstarts were around also.  I moved on to Alley Pond Park south of the LIE.  
It was a bonanza.  The first half hour yielded 1 Blackburnian, 1 Hooded, and 1 
Worm-eating, as well as the more common warbles, all in good healthy numbers.  
By the time I was done with the park, there were two Hooded warblers (one near 
the entrance by the school and one along the edge of the baseball fields by the 
entrance near the grand central), two blackburnians together foraging near the 
ground the entire time (second found by another birder), 2 Nashvilles, 
Magnolias, Parulas, Prairie's etc... totaling 19. I feel I should report a 
possible Kentucky Warbler, I heard the song of one but it only sang once.  It 
was located in a section of
 the park close to where the grandcentral and Cross Island pkways intersect. 
See list below for highlights (59 species all together!)

Black-and-white Warbler - 50+
Ovenbird - 40+
Prairie Warbler-5

American Redstart - ~20
Blue-winged Warbler - 3
Yellow-warbler -3
Common Yellowthroat-4
Black-throated Green Warbler - 15-20
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 15-20
Northern Parula -15-20
Chestnut-sided Warbler -10-15
Blackburnian Warbler -2
Black-throated Blue Warbler -50-60
Hooded Warbler -2
Worm-eating Warbler-1
Palm Warbler- 20-30
Nashville Warbelr-2
Magnolia Warbler -4
Northern Waterthrush -8

Wood Thrush -7
Catbirds - ~80

Warbling Vireo-4
Great-crested Flycatcher-2
Chipping Sparrow-6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher-7
Savannah Sparrow-4
Rose-breasted Grosbeak -3
Hermit Thrush -10

Orioles - 5

Blue-headed vireo-15-17

César Andrés Castillo

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