Sunday, 4 May, 2014 - mid-morning
Madison Square Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City 
(add'l. directions below)

A male PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continues in Madison Square Park, which is located between E. 23 & 26 Streets and from Fifth Avenue & Broadway on the western side (those avenues have a junction there, at 23rd St.), and Madison Ave. on the eastern side.  I (re) found the Prothonotary (first seen here Sat. late-day, reported here & to other lists by Gabriel Willow), this morning as of about 9:45 a.m. after some searching, & finding other migrants. 

The Prothonotary appeared to be favoring various trees more-or-less surrounding an active large fountain-pool, very close to the ShakeShack restaurant which is inside the park, closer to 23rd Street & about 1/2-way from Fifth to Madison Ave's. This warbler (like many of the other species present) was staying rather high in taller trees and branches but it did briefly come down onto a totally dead large cut-off tree-trunk that's about 10+ feet high, obvious & just south of the fountain pool. I took a number of document-quality photos and observed the bird for up to 15+ minutes before moving on.  Also present in this relatively small urban park were at least these additional warblers:  N. Parula (several), Yellow (1), Black-throated Green (1), Black-and-white (1 or 2), Yellow-rumped [Myrtle] (several), Ovenbird (several), N. Waterthrush (1), Common Yellowthroat (2), and a few that got away in the higher foliage; also - Wood, Hermit & a Catharus Thrush species, possibly another Hermit; as well as multiple Ruby-crowned Kinglets, White-throated Sparrows, & at least a few Swamp & Song Sparrows, plus E. Towhee; and among other migrants - Gray Catbird (several), Baltimore Oriole, Scarlet Tanager (male), and likely a couple of others that got away...  some birds seemed to be trying, and possibly succeeding in going onward in a general north-ward direction well past anything like dawn or sunrise. However, a lot of birds were merely circulating somewhat around this small park, which can be circumnavigated in as little as 15 minutes, or a lot more time when seeking arboreal migrants.

Thanks again to Gabriel Willow for finding this bird, & to Anders P. & Matthew R. for assisting with getting yesterday's reports out very rapidly. Good luck to any who try here and do be patient, the Prothonotary is virtually certain to remain all day today & may possibly be slightly (or strongly) attracted to the water feature[s], esp. the small amount of water that is flowing and circulating at any fountain[s].  

I also much more briefly tried Bryant Park (at 40th-42nd Streets, Fitfth-Sixth Ave's.) in Manhattan but found relatively few of any sort of migrant species just a few minutes ago...

this report generated on a super-duper brand new Mac at the Apple store on Fifth Ave. at 59th Street. Open 24/7.... and very busy...

Good luck,

Tom Fiore

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