My son Ryan and I are planning our first ever Doodletown excursion this 
Saturday.   Are any Doodletown veterans interested in meeting us there to join 
forces - especially to seek out ceruleans?

John Zucker

> On May 26, 2014, at 11:06 PM, "Peter Reisfeld [ebirdsnyc]" 
> <> wrote:
> Despite my abysmal record of success at finding target birds this year, I 
> visited Doodletown Road today hoping to get the Cerulean and Kentucky 
> warblers that had eluded me thus far.   I arrived early, only to be swarmed 
> with mosquitos and flies.  There was plenty of birdsong, but I had to keep 
> moving,  not the ideal strategy for finding treetop ceruleans, or 
> ventriloquistic hoodeds.  I spend a miserable hour or two without seeing 
> anything notable, save a yellow throated vireo.  Hearing a Kentucky singing 
> on Pleasant Valley Road was a highlight, but the bird seemed to be deep in 
> the woods, and I was unable to locate it. 
> I pondered cutting my losses and leaving, but as the morning wore on and 
> birders and hikers filled the park, the insects surprisingly abated.  
> (Perhaps they'd found targets other than me).  And while there was less 
> birdsong, I was finally able to spot some birds.  First it was a singing 
> blue-winged warbler on Doodletown road. Then I headed back for a second try 
> at the Kentucky, and this time I scored.  As I sat on a rock watching it sing 
> on a bare twig, I excitedly announced my finding  to  passing group.  "I 
> know, I can hear him", said the first  birder as he walked by without 
> slowing, obviously less thrilled than me. 
> After getting a few people on the bird, it flew, and I continued up the road 
> finding a nice clearing where I sat down and had a snack.  I heard scarlet 
> tanager, RB grosbeak, hooded warbler and indigo bunting singing, and was able 
> to spot the first three.  As I munched, I got a quick glance at a grayish 
> warbler-type bird with a wing bars  that was flitting around. I thought/hoped 
> female cerulean, and then it appeared again, giving me a better look.  It was 
> indeed a female cerulean, busy collecting nesting material.  I watched her 
> bring it back to the nest, and then go out for several more forays. 
> Well satisfied, I started heading out, but ran into Karlo and Allison Mirth, 
> and I brought them back to see see the nest, giving me the additional 
> pleasure of sharing.  I headed out again, and just before leaving the park  I 
> heard a buzzy call up the steps at the very first historic house site near 
> the beginning of the trail.  Low and behold, I was greeted by a singing male 
> cerulean, not very high, and in good light.   Boy was I glad I didn't leave 
> early. 
> I uploaded a couple of short, slightly shaky, imperfectly exposed videos of 
> the Kentucky and the Cerulean nest onto my Flicker site:
> Happy late spring birding!
> Peter
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