If the images are true to what the bird displayed bird in the field, then
the thin, tiny, mostly dark bill, the slight crest and the long primary
projection are all supportive of Hammond's and would seem to not support
Least. Were other photos taken? Did the bird vocalize? I'm looking forward
to hearing more about this bird, even if I myself will not get to see it.


On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 8:26 PM, Sean Sime <s...@seansime.com> wrote:

> I received a text mid afternoon from Rob Jett about an Empidonax
> flycatcher on Lookout Hill in Prospect Park. As soon as the text came
> through another came saying the bird was no longer in view. After 4pm the
> bird was refound and I stopped by and was able to get some marginal
> photographs in the 10-15 minutes or so before it was too dark to
> photograph.
> The images can be seen at this link;
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/103866258@N08/sets/72157649094397622/
> In the field the bird seemed kinglet like and small. The bill appeared
> almost completely dark and very short and thin. The eyering was broader
> behind the eye, but not incredibly so.
> In certain light the head was quite gray and offset against a more
> greenish back. In other light the bird seemed monotone. The breast seemed
> "dirty" on the sides of the chest with yellow tones beneath.
> The discussion between Least and possible Hammond's came into play as well
> as another western empid. The ID was left at empid sp. I will try to add
> some images to the album, but unfortunately, they will all be at this
> distance and of this (lack of) quality.
> Good birding,
> Sean Sime
> Brooklyn, NY
> --
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Hugh McGuinness
Washington, D.C.


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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