Thanks, Tom, for that report. I want to echo your appreciation of fellow 
birders who post updates, and make additional point that it is really helpful 
to post sightings on this lists web, which is the major common vehicle for 
information for birders over a wide area. Posting on ebird is good, but many 
people aren't able to check for sightings over the many areas that we 
collectively patrol.  

Nysbirds does us all great service. Let's use it!

Doug Futuyma
Stony Brook and NYC

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 28, 2014, at 11:09 AM, Thomas Fiore <> wrote:

> Friday after Thanksgiving, 28 Nov., 2014
> At Central Park (Manhattan, N.Y. City) & the area known as "cedar hill" (near 
> E. 78-79th St. just east of the park's East Drive, & west of Fifth Ave.), a 
> moderately bright NASHVILLE Warbler (seeming of the "eastern" form) was 
> moving about in a flock with multiple juncos, white-throated sparrows, & some 
> other common & expected winter species; the warbler was working the cedars 
> and other conifers near the upper fenced area, visible at ~7:30 a.m. from 
> that fence line atop the hill. It was not noticed when I more briefly passed 
> that way again at least 2 hrs. later, but a few other birders may have gone 
> for a look. This may well be the same individual Nashville present in that 
> area some weeks ago (not reported) and even a bit earlier. It's getting late 
> but not unprecedented at all, & Central has Dec. records of the species, 
> including (rarely) on their CBC. A number of other birds to add, but will do 
> so in a post at a later time, or date.
> PS, it may be obvious to all who read this list, but: keep posting to a 
> public list (such as this) on the status of the Cassin's Kingbird in Brooklyn 
> NYC, as there are clearly folks who could be thinking of driving hundreds of 
> miles mainly to see that individual bird. Reports both positive & negative 
> are useful, as are multiple reports from differing times of (any) day... it 
> also gets more & more interesting the longer it lingers! (thanks for all who 
> continue reporting, & my own mea culpas for not doing so recently...)
> good birding,
> Tom Fiore
> Manhattan
> --
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