Two separate sightings of a pair of Common Ravens in Sayville earlier this 
month had me focusing my attention on the nearby water and cell towers in the 
area. About a week ago I noticed an interesting looking nest that had been 
built along the west side of the water tower in Patchogue. The overall size and 
structure of the nest seemed to look best for Common Raven.

Sure enough, I drove by the water tower this morning to find two Common Ravens 
on the nest. One of the birds was physically in the nest and had a stick in 
it's bill (appeared to be nest building) and the other perched on the railing 
beside the nest and was calling frequently. 

The water tower is located on the south side of Montauk Highway, immediately 
south of West Lake in Patchogue. There is roadside parking along the south side 
of Montauk Highway, which is also the best location to view the nest. You can't 
miss the nest and it's easily seen with the naked eye, especially when 
approaching from the west. Like the Hampton Bays Ravens, these birds are 
spending quite a bit of time away from the nest therefore persistence may be 
necessary to eventually catch a glimpse of them. Good luck if you try and 
please keep a respectful distance from the water tower. This is a really unique 
opportunity to view these extremely interesting birds. 

Derek Rogers


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