This morning a few of us spent a couple of hours by the swale at West End 2 
looking for the paler longspur previously reported. We saw what were probably 
at least 3 different flocks of birds: a large (100+?) flock of Snow Buntings, a 
medium sized flock of Horned Larks that had 6 Laplands, and a smaller flock of 
mixed larks and snow buntings with one Lapland, as well as a flock of House 
Finches that occasionally mixed. These birds moved around constantly, sometimes 
mixing together. All the Lapland Longspurs were dark clearly marked birds - no 
drab immatures or paler individuals. The Ground-dove was not seen, although not 
extensively looked for. 
Best birds were a Vesper Sparrow seen in the median about halfway between the 
two exits in the WE2 parking lot, and an immature Bald Eagle around 12 that 
flew slowly east past the WE2 lot, and then rose some thermals to soar upwards 
in a southeasterly direction.
The Barnacle Goose was still present along Wellwood Avenue in the St. Charles 
Cemetary around 1, best viewed from parking lots along the east side of Wellwod 
Avenue, south of the gas station - there's no parking or room topull off along 
the west side of Wellwood

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