The Montauk CBC was held on Saturday (20 Dec 2014) and enjoyed both good
weather and an excellent turnout of energetic counters from far and near.
Scouting efforts before the count produced almost no stakeout rarities and
in fact indicated low numbers of birds across the circle, however things
came together nicely on the day.

A total of 127 species (not final) were tallied, with highlights and saves
in every territory. These included Eurasian Wigeon (2), King Eider (4),
Harlequin Duck (2), Red-necked Grebe (10), Bald Eagle (8), Northern Goshawk
(1), Rough-legged Hawk (2), Razorbill (293), Barn Owl (1), Snowy Owl (2),
Saw-whet Owl (1), Fish Crow (3), Hermit Thrush (67), Orange-crowned Warbler
(1), Clay-colored Sparrow (1), Saltmarsh Sparrow (1), Nelson's Sparrow (1),
Lincoln's Sparrow (2), Purple Finch (11), Common Redpoll (2), and Pine
Siskin (1).

Notable misses, though not without determined efforts to find each of them,
were Snow Goose, Greater White-fronted Goose, American Kestrel, Wilson's
Snipe, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Black-legged Kittiwake, and Eastern

Sadly, 'Larry' the Lesser Black-backed Gull that has wintered at Lazy Point
for the past 10 years or more has not been seen this season. Faithful Larry
often provided a save for the species on this count. Hopefully he/she was
simply delayed in customs on route from Greenland. Likewise, a Short-eared
Owl that showed well over the Napeague Marshes on Friday evening decided to
sleep late on the important day and was missed.

Great work everyone!

The next Montauk CBC will be held on Saturday 19th December 2015. Mark your
calendars and drop us a line if you want to be added to our mailing list.
We have plenty of room for more counters.

Angus Wilson and Karen Rubinstein


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