Monday, 23 February, 2015
At Central Park (Manhattan, N.Y. City) a single male Common Redpoll
continues to visit the feeders in the Ramble, this a.m. seen as I
walked up at 7:15 a.m., while some other mornings I have not seen it
until a while later in the a.m. but always making at least one
appearance before 9, this past week. An assortment of other more-
regular species included a Carolina Wren, a wintering Chipping Sparrow
(very fluffed out & sitting still in a small shrub next to the feeder
array, but then joining all the other hungry birds to feed), American
Tree Sparrow (down by the lakeshore, where there was also a great deal
of small bird activity), several Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers (including
at Strawberry Fields, & the Pinetum area, as well as by the Ramble's
feeders); down at The Pond in the park's SE corner, a drake Wood Duck
continues among the many Mallards & a few Americam Black Ducks, plus a
single American Coot; a female Wood Duck remains at the reservoir's
miniscule path of open water (at the south end) & also along the icy
bank there, among relatively scant Mallards & Canada Geese, plus a
couple of Coot. At least 1 more Coot plus a very few Northern
Shovelers were in the barely-open patch of water at the west side of
the Lake, a bit south of the Ladies Pavillion / Hernshead.
At least today, and perhaps all this chilly week ahead, many paths, &
even sections of the main Park Drives, are extremely icy-slippery in
spots, and extreme caution will be needed to maintain balance &
prevent a fall. I saw at least a dozen other people, many of them
young & athletic, nearly do so, and I (no longer young or athletic ;-)
nearly slipped any number of times. There are crews out trying to put
sand, & scrape where possible but the work is very, very difficult,
and the icy patches are sure to continue until there is a much longer-
lasting warm-up.
Good birding,
Tom Fiore
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