3/20/15 Sabattis Bog (Hamilton Co.)


It was a beautiful first day of spring early this morning at Sabattis Bog.
Brown Creepers and Golden-crowned Kinglets were singing!  A
first-of-the-season Red-winged Blackbird flew over the snowy bog.  I found 3
Black-backed Woodpeckers (nice views of a male foraging at eye level a few
feet from me), two Gray Jays (one imitating a Northern Goshawk just as Amer.
Crows showed up), and several Boreal Chickadees - wonderful views today and
I even managed a few photos. (Photos of the Black-backed Woodpecker and
Boreal Chickadee are on my Facebook page below.)


Yesterday and today have been record-setting for seed consumed at our
feeders - a LOT!  Our redpoll numbers have increased and I've observed a
Hoary twice, we still have Pine Siskins and Amer. Goldfinches, and all the
other feeder birds.


For the past 5 days, a Barred Owl has been hunting and roosting all around
our house - and often from our back porch roof.  It begins hunting in
mid-afternoon.  Its pattern is to consume prey and then roost.   On Tuesday
night, it was roosting on a branch a few feet from our back porch.  We
needed to barbeque and assumed it would move, but it just watched us and
stayed put - for hours!  A couple of interesting observations: I took a dead
mouse from a trap in our basement and tossed it to the owl as it sat on our
porch roof.  It didn't pay any attention and didn't even seem to notice what
I threw.  An hour later, I noticed it fly in from the forest behind our home
and then fly up to a branch - with the stiff, dead mouse!  I watched it
consume the mouse and struggle to get the long (house) mouse tail (that was
stiff and curved) down its throat.  I was somewhat surprised that it took
dead prey.  Also, we watched a deer's reaction when it spotted the owl on
our porch roof - it stamped its hoof and ran away.  Another deer with it
didn't spot the owl until the owl shook off the snow from its head, and then
that deer too, stamped and ran away!  I posted several photos of the owl on
Facebook.  On Wednesday, I took a photo through our kitchen window of the
owl eating a large prey item - a bit too gross to post to Facebook!  Its
bill is usually blood covered after it catches prey.


3/16/15 St. Lawrence Co. birding


David Buckley and I birded in St. Lawrence Co. on Monday.  MaryBeth
Warburton joined us for a couple hours in the morning.  We spent time in
Potsdam, Stockholm, Winthrop, Brasher, Massena, Waddington, and Madrid.
Here are some of the 37 species found:


Amer. Black Duck


Common Goldeneye

Common Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

Wild Turkey

Bald Eagle - 1 in Stockholm; 2 on Simon Pond (Tupper Lake) on my drive home

Northern Goshawk - Brasher

Red-tailed Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk - dark morph

Pileated Woodpecker

Merlin - Madrid

Northern Shrike - 1 in Potsdam, and 1 in Massena at Hawkins Point

Horned Lark - 3 in Tupper Lake (there has been a movement of Horned Larks
over the past week)

Bohemian Waxwing - 40 to 50 in Stockholm (eating crab apples and buckthorn
berries), and a flock of over 100 in Madrid (eating buckthorn berries)

Cedar Waxwing - a few in the large Madrid flock

House Finch - usual location in Waddington - Brookview Dr. (the only place I
find them in the North Country!)

Red Crossbill - loud, calling flyover bird in Brasher

Common Redpoll - several flocks


3/14/15 Sabattis Bog


There were six Horned Larks at the Little Tupper Lake outlet.  (I regularly
see Snow Buntings at this location in migration, but this is the first year
I've observed Horned Larks moving through this spot.)


3/13/15 Saranac Lake (Essex Co.)


On my way home from an event in Lake Placid, I found 111 Bohemian Waxwings
perched in a tree behind Pizza Hut in Saranac Lake (likely it was over 120
since some birds were behind others in the tree that I couldn't count).


3/12/15 Long Lake


There was a solo Horned Lark at the Little Tupper Lake outlet.  I observed a
Hoary Redpoll in a tree outside our home.


3/11/15 Sabattis Bog


Yet another day when one of the two Gray Jays at Sabattis Bog perfectly
imitated a Northern Goshawk.  We listened to two Barred Owls vocalize during
the night over our baby monitor - a wide range of their vocalizations,
including the loud monkey calls.  I was in heaven and my husband was


3/8, 3/9, & 3/10


On a three-day tour with a birder from NYC on 3/8-10/15, we birded two days
in boreal habitat (one in Long Lake, Newcomb, Minerva, and one in Paul
Smiths, Gabriels, and Bloomingdale) and one day in the Lake Champlain
Valley.  Here are some of the birds found:


Amer. Black Duck

Wild Turkey

Bald Eagle

Black-backed Woodpecker - 3; male observed and two others drumming at
Sabattis Bog

Pileated Woodpecker

Gray Jay - 2 at Sabattis Bog, 5 to 6 at Bloomingdale Bog, and 1 on Jones
Pond Road (imitating a Northern Goshawk!)

Common Raven

Horned Lark

Boreal Chickadee - 3 at Sabattis Bog with a view of one; and 1 terrific view
at Bloomingdale Bog!

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Eastern Bluebird - Lake Champlain Valley

Amer. Robin

Bohemian Waxwing ~50; (~5 flyovers at Plattsburgh, ~15 at Port Henry, and
~30 in Westport)

Cedar Waxwing - ~15 at Port Henry

Snow Bunting

Dark-eyed Junco

Northern Cardinal

Common Grackle - first of the season at Bloomingdale Bog

Red Crossbill - heard 3 times on Jones Pond Road in the Paul Smiths area;
vocalizing flyover bird

Common Redpoll - many!

Hoary Redpoll - 1 near my Long Lake feeders

Pine Siskin - several in Long Lake

Amer. Goldfinch

Evening Grosbeak - loud flock of at least 9 on Kickerville Road in Long Lake


I have also recently posted photos of Bohemian Waxwings, another
Black-backed Woodpecker, another Boreal Chickadee, Gray Jays, and a Merlin
on my Facebook page.


Thanks to Jim Murray and David Buckley who both forwarded a link to a
3/14/15 Watertown Daily Times article
-20150314 ).  One of the many Snowy Owls in Jefferson Co. has been hunting
Amer. Crows at the large roost in the city of Watertown!  As of the article
date, it had killed 4 crows.  I guess a roost with thousands of crows makes
for easy hunting.


Joan Collins

Editor, New York Birders

Long Lake, NY

(315) 244-7127 cell       

(518) 624-5528 home





NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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