Not seeing any reports for today. Any postings elsewhere worth sharing here?

Rich Guthrie

On Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Curt McDermott <>

> Good Morning,
>       Those trying for the Caracara in Orange County today should know
> that the bird did seem to be effected by the presence of the group
> yesterday.  Although the bird was not approached yesterday at any close
> distance, through it's moving about and the pursuit that followed, it was
> apparent that the bird requires a WIDE berth.  My suggestion would be to
> stay in the area of the farm parking lot, that was graciously offered up by
> the owners, so long as vehicles remained on FIRM ground.  Please, respect
> these farmers, who were very kind to all yesterday and please respect the
> bird.  The lot is on the East side of the road.
> Good luck to all.  Positive and negative results welcomed.
> Good Birding,
> Curt McDermott
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Apr 10, 2015, at 11:15 AM, "Andy Guthrie" <> wrote:
> Curt McDermott called to report a CRESTED CARACARA in a farm field in
> Montgomery, NY (Orange County).
> The bird is on the west side of River Road, about a mile north of Route
> 17k where there is a dairy farm (Brock's Farm).  It is in a field just
> north of two ponds.
> Coordinates are N 41.54122, W 74.21881
> Cheers,
> Andy Guthrie
> Hamlin NY
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Richard Guthrie


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