4/15/15 Wednesday & Tuesday 4/14/15Pat Pollock
Fos for Ramble Louisiana Warbler 1st spotted by Pat Klein on east path of Point 
yesterday, 4/14/15 about 1:00 pm;  I saw it about 6 pm and again this 
morningsame place  (this was earliest I got to computer - St. Agnes is closed 
for 2 weeksI called several people who report and cd find no one home, l/w but 
without result)
This LaWa is quite yellow, but flank stripes are few, throat appears clear, 
supercilium curves up at end, and I heard one song which confirmed LAWA to me 
and others present today.
Rusty Blackbird along west side of Pt. near CutYellow-rumped Warbler Pt.
4/14/15 Tuesdaybeautiful (M) Purple Finch @ Feeders(m) Eastern Towhee Evodia 
Fld.Chipping Sparrows 3 Swamp Sp.Rusty Blackbird Gill nr. Laupot Br. & another 
@ U.L.Pair Wood Ducks T. PondBarn Swallow T.PdAm. Coot on Lake2 Black Cr. Night 
Herons nr. HernsheadRed-winged Blackbirdsbright beautiful Goldfinchesboth 
Kinglets aroundHermit ThrushesNo. FlickersRes.Common Loonpr. Wood Ducks5 No. 
Shovelers1 Ruddy Duckdc Cormorants

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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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