One day this winter I was birding at EPCAL with a friend and watched a man who 
had parked on the runway (this was the west runway, not the one they actually 
use) start to unload his gear which included a rather large fan like apparatus 
(the size of a fan that might be used in a greenhouse) which he strapped to his 
back. He unpacked a large parasail/parafoil/parachute type of thing in bright 
rainbow colors.  He did a lot of fussing around and we had to do something so 
we did not wait to see his final flight. When we came back later he was packing 
up. We spoke to a fellow birder who was just walking out of the radar tower 
area who said he had been flying around and managed to flush and scare the 
rough legged hawk that was hanging out there.  

About a week later I saw a news story that someone was hurt, in what sounded 
like a similar type of machine. 

Just thought I would throw that out there, perhaps the cameras were not up and 
running yet because I can’t imagine that taking off in a questionable aircraft 
from a non-airport is legal, but I may be wrong.

And they are after a few birders appreciating the world we live in. Yikes. 

Sally Newbert


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