Because of a fairly late start, I decided not to go up west "long" (
Hempstead Lake S.P.) and instead, just went west "short' ( Smith Point
C.P.). Upon arrival there, I found Bob Gunning & Dick Belanger, who by then
had seen all the species reported yesterday, except for the Rose-breasted

Once out of the car I opened the trunk, and in addition to getting the
spotting scope, I dug out the much needed gloves - the wind at the ocean
was tough this morning ! As Bob walked up to the car, he didn't say "Hi"
first, but gave the best of "birder" greetings..."there it is" ! The Blue
Grosbeak was in the same open spot he  was in yesterday, except with
today's howling wind being most inhospitable - in a short while the bird
took off over the parking lot, heading east.

Besides finding the Savannah Sparrow I reported on yesterday, Dick & Bob
found 2 additional Savannahs fitting that description (a very bright, and
lengthy, yellow supercillium). However, when trying to show me all 3 birds,
we could only find 2, with one almost as bright as the 4/22 bird, and the
other, while being bright, certainly the lesser of the two.  They also had
a Bald Eagle, as well as a Turkey Vulture, fly over !

After going our separate ways, I headed to Dune Rd, Westhampton Beach,
taking it east to Shinnicock Inlet, Hampton Bays, and finding it very quiet.

P.S...The following should have been the last paragraph in my post on 4/22,
at 20:11:39.

At my last stop of the day (the Eastport C.C.lake on Montauk Highway,
Eastport) I had the following sightings. The #'s involved, along with the
date, make them noteworthy. There were ~ 180 lingering Lesser Scaup,
together with ~ 110 Ruddy Ducks ( 8 of which were nearing full breeding
plumage ).


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