Tuesday, 28 April, 2015 - Central Park (Manhattan, N.Y. City)

The (rehabilitated, & released yesterday) Prothonotary Warbler was  
making the rounds thru the day today, with appearances at & near  
Turtle Pond, followed by movement thru the Ramble at it's NE corner  
and subsequently on to The Point & vicinity, as well as sightings from  
next to &/or in the Shakespeare Garden. It is still visibly less- 
than-100%, but seems to be feeding well, and obviously moving around a  
lot. It can be assumed there is just the one, unless & until any  
photos (or observation of more than one in same view) prove  
otherwise.  Thanks to David Speiser for his note to this list  
regarding the release of this bird, on Monday. It has now been  
observed by at least several hundred birders!

The Ramble & Turtle Pond, & the southern half of the park generally,  
were again the somewhat more active than the n. end, although nice  
activity is also to be found in the north end as well.  At least a  
couple of additional sightings, probably new for the year were  
reported and observed by many, including a Yellow-throated Vireo which  
I first learned of from Brenda Inskeep, and a number of observers also  
saw Magnolia Warbler, and Black-throated Blue Warbler, along with at  
least a few Black-throated Green Warblers still in the Ramble, and a  
couple of Rose-breasted Grosbeaks moving through in the a.m.   Some  
sightings were made mainly in the first 3 hours of the day, but good  
activity was & is possible in some areas all day long.

In all, the variety may have been about the same in total species  
numbers, and for total individuals it was hard to say, as some species  
might be fewer but some others increased a bit. Interesting for being  
a little on the late side, a couple of Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown  
Creeper, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, & Dark-eyed Juncos were all still  
to be found, the last of these actually in somewhat higher numbers  
(park-wide) than in the preceding few days. On days with fairly steady  
NW/W winds in mid-spring, raptor flight can sometimes be observed from  
Manhattan, and today showed that to be so, with sightings of Bald  
Eagle, & Sharp-shinned, Cooper's, Red-shouldered, & Broad-winged Hawk  
along with Ospreys, and (local) American Kestrel & Peregrine Falcon.  
The reservoir as of 2 days ago held a very late Lesser Scaup (drake)  
and still today had a few N. Shovelers and Buffleheads, while at least  
4 Wood Ducks remain in the park.

Over at Riverside Park on Manhattan's upper west side, the activity  
seems less, yet migrants are also showing there, with a number of the  
most common species found today later in the day, esp. in the sections  
n. of 106 St., thru the sanctuary area. Also of note, an Indigo  
Bunting in the far north section beyond the 122 St. tennis courts.

good birding,

Tom Fiore

NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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