In addition to opposing this bill, it would be good to find a sympathetic state 
legislator (or two) who could propose a bill that would make it possible for 
feral cats to be taken to animal shelters.  At the moment, cats fall in a grey 
area in New York State where they cannot legally be "removed", and most animal 
shelters or rescue organizations will not accept them because they cannot be 
adopted.  "Feral dogs" are of course removed to pounds where they are either 
destroyed or  put up for adoption, raccoon are destroyed, but cats are both 
protected and abandoned under current state laws. 

Jane F. Ross 
-------------------------------------------Forwarding  for Gerry Rising:The 
feral cat bill is to come up within hours. Please call Senate majority leader 
John Flanagan at 518-455-2071 to oppose it. Just say you oppose Senate 1081. It 
will take a few seconds to do this and opposing this bill is VERY important to 
birds and other wildlife.Having never made such a call before, I was very 
hesitant to do so myself, but I found it very simple. A young woman answered 
and asked for my message. I said that I opposed Senate 1081. She thanked me and 
promised to pass my message on to the senator. I thanked her and we hung up. 
That was it.Numbers count in this world. Please help.Gerry 
Risinginsrisg@buffalo.eduThank YouMike & Sylvia 
Galasmichael.galas6@gmail.com716-345-5419 cell


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