This afternoon and evening, Sean Sime and I had a rather pleasant walk on
the beach out at Breezy Point, in Queens. Parking for this location is by
permit only, at the parking lot at Beach 222nd St., which is actually just
the terminus of the main drag that you enter Breezy Point on. You can
obtain a one-day parking permit from the Ryan Visitor Center at Floyd
Bennett Field in Brooklyn (which is on the way out to Breezy). According to
the website, the permit office is open 7 days a week from 9 AM to 4 PM,
though you might call in advance to check. They typically only give you a
permit for the day you go into the office to ask.

Highlights were as follows (more details on the eBird checklist):

*SABINE'S GULL*- Immature (1st-cycle/spring//2CY) bird, though maybe
undergoing a slightly late molt, as it was still growing in P10. This bird
was initially standing in the surf just to the east of the 4x4 road from
the parking lot to the beach, roughly here: (40.546739, -73.930068), but
when we left it, it was up to a half mile to the east, hanging around the
beach in front of the tern colony closer to here: (40.550618, -73.921318).
This is one of less than 5 NYC records. The only ones I've heard tell of
are the well documented Staten Island record from 1986, and potentially an
old Brooklyn record or two that I'm waiting to hear back about. It seems to
be the first Queens record though.

*LONG-TAILED JAEGER*- Adult bird moving west over the ocean, fairly high
up. We picked it up while it was still a ways to the east, and it wasn't
moving particularly fast. It eventually passed the jetty and angled to the
NW over the mouth of Rockaway Inlet before adjusting back to the south a
little before we lost resolution on the bird. We don't think that it quite
made it to Brooklyn airspace, based on our back of the envelope
calculations, but it came close. There is an old Brooklyn record or two
that I've heard mention of, but don't have any further details on. Besides
that, I don't believe there are any prior NYC records, and no prior Queens

*Purple Martin*- 2 or 3 birds, heading roughly south along the bay side. 2
female-types together were preceded by a possible male PUMA seen a bit
earlier from the parking lot.
*Black Tern*- 2 (adult and young bird)
Bonaparte's Gull- 1 immature bird standing on the beach for most of our time
Roseate Tern- 1 adult seen about 5 separate times.
Black Scoter- 1, presumably continuing, young male on the beach on the
Lesser Black-backed Gull- 2 young birds

Photos of the Sabine's Gull and other goodies here:

Complete eBird list here:

Good Birding!
-Doug Gochfeld. Brooklyn, NY.


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