Alan & all,

depending of course what all the ten warbler spp. you refer to, there  
were in any event at least 21 warbler species in Central Park  
(Manhattan, N.Y. City) this Saturday, 22 Aug. 2015, with 20 spp. found  
in the north end of Central, NOT including Mourning - thus the figured  
21.  Other species noted in the northern woods included a Blue-winged  
Warbler showing some "Brewster's" traits, thanks to Tom Perlman, & a  
(perhaps-1st of the fall in CP) Blackpoll, thanks to Ken Chaya, plus  
Worm-eating (Loch), & all the rest of warblers as seen in the past  
week or so, along with some flycatchers, vireos, a few tanagers  
(Scarlet), quite a few orioles (Baltimore) and a mid-afternoon flurry  
of Eastern Kingbirds, which came in en masse thru the Loch, some  
bathing quickly, and/or drinking, some merely seeming to observe the  
others. It was not highly-active for migrants all around but in modest  
patches, with 1 patch being esp. good in the woods north of the Loch,  
& later at the Loch itself during the warmest time of day.  I did not  
look too much in any areas besides the north woods, but was aware of a  
bit of activity elsewhere, & at least the wind & sky looked conducive  
to some diurnal migration over Manhattan. Tonight just may bring much  
more migration as conditions seem pretty good!

thanks - and good warblers-are-in-peak-migration-too (& yes, also  
great shore & sea birding this time of year :-),

Tom Fiore
On Aug 22, 2015, at 5:40 PM, Alan Drogin wrote:

> Female Mourning Warbler seen 5pm today hiding in hedge along  
> southern fence of Bowling Green #1 (around 70th west) among tons of  
> House Sparrows.  Otherwise nice afternoon, 10 warbler species,  
> Baltimore Orioles, Cowbird, Red-eye Vireos, Peewee and Empi - the  
> later two both west side of Great Lawn.
> Happy city birding,
> Alan Drogin
> --


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