The *Queens County Bird Club Inc.* will be meeting at the Alley Pond
Environmental Center, 228-06 Northern Blvd Douglaston, NY 11362
<> >Map of location<  


at 8:00 pm on Wednesday, October 21, 2015.  Free admission.  Refreshments

Public transportation users:  Meeting location is one mile from Bayside LIRR
station; you can either walk, take Q12 bus, or use car service located at

Rick Cech presents "The History of Natural History:  A Participant's

Older than science.  more powerful than medieval scholasticism. able to leap
deep rifts between knowledge and experience in a single bound!  


     It's natural history, a durable folk tradition dating back to the early
Renaissance, whose guiding principles have descended through the ages by
word of mouth, providing continued enjoyment and edification. Much of our
detailed knowledge of modern biological science can trace its roots to
curious meanderings in the field, both now and long ago. Rick Cech will
discuss our membership in this noble pursuit, which must rank as one of
humanity's more unlikely-and yet most splendid-masterworks.


About Rick Cech:  

     An active field naturalist since childhood, also now a natural history
author and photographer, Rick Cech is an affiliate curator at the Yale
Peabody Museum of Natural History in Entomology. He is the principal author
and photographer of Butterflies of the East Coast: An Observer's Guide
(Princeton, 2005), and wrote "A Distributional Checklist of the Butterflies
and Skippers of the New York City Area." Rick co-authored the National
Audubon Society Regional Guide to Florida. His recent works include editing
and photography for the iApp "Audubon Butterflies - A Field Guide to North
American Butterflies," and development of the FoldingGuides regional
butterfly series. 


     A life-long field observer, explorer and trip leader, Rick brings
innovative perspectives to the study and appreciation of natural history. He
played a formative role in originating the Sibley Guide series, as well as
the National Audubon Society Interactive CD-ROM Guide to North American
Birds. Rick's photography is widely published, in articles and books
(including more than 950 in both Butterflies of the East Coast and Audubon
Butterflies) as well as in photo exhibits and displays. He has led nature
trips since the early 1980s, and makes regular presentations to natural
history and botanical organizations across the country.




Nancy Tognan <>  
Vice President: *Queens County Bird Club Inc*. 


See for more information on trips, speakers, and
other events! 
See our 'Birding Maps & Locations' page for directions to and info about
many local birding hotspots

* QCBC is a tax exempt, charitable organization {501c3}.  *



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