I haven't seen any posts to these lists but there is a CINNAMON TEAL being
reported at Montezuma NWR today, first discovered yesterday. The bird has
been seen at Larue's Lagoon (one of the first wetlands on the right side as
you drive the refuge loop) and, with more difficulty, in the main pool
across the road from there. It is reported to be a male in transition
plumage so not quite the stunning male you would like to see but still a red
duck. Photos and notes can be seen in the following eBird checklists. Thanks
to Dave Nutter and Jay McGowan for forwarding these.


I would encourage all observers to document their sightings for the NYS
Avian Records Committee (NYSARC). Although this bird is believed to be a
good Cinnamon Teal, the possibility of a hybrid could be difficult to rule
out. The more good photos and notes we can get, the better our chances of
assessing this record correctly. 


Good birding!



Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) (1)
- Reported Nov 01, 2015 12:28 by Dave Nutter
- NY:SEN:Tyre: Wildlife Dr (personal), Seneca, New York
- Map:
- Checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S25664307
- Comments: "Found this morning on Larue's Lagoon from Wildlife Drive this
morning by James Osborn, who showed it to Lang Elliot & Bob McGuire, the
latter who reported it to text rare bird alert and described it to me by
phone. Refound by Jay McGowan & Livia Santana scoping north into east
central part of Larue's from Seneca Trail between Wildlife Drive and Seneca
River; Gary, Ann & I joined them within a couple minutes having been
searching on Wildlife Drive at N end of Larue's; viewed through scope for an
hour starting 1:25; with female Blue-winged Teal most of the time, swimming
together, occasionally splashing rapidly, chasing, and mimicking preening;
same size & shape as Blue-winged Teal; black bill slightly larger than bill
of Green-winged Teal but not Shoveler-like; black rear end; small whitish
area at upper rear of where breeding male Blue-winged Teal shows bold white
square but not as large nor bold as Sibley shows in Blue-winged X Cinnamon
hybrid; dark on back and top of primaries; sides smoothly and richly washed
(but not saturated) with auburn, similarly washed on breast & shoulder but
with small dark speckles on shoulder; also auburn wash throughout side of
face but slightly paler and showing slight pattern like female with darker
line through eye, darker crown, paler near top of bill (not saturated like
Sibley shows breeding male Cinnamon nor like breeding male Canvasback, but
also not showing broad American Wigeon-like darker cheek as Sibley shows
hybrid Blue-winged X Cinnamon); white wing-lining shown when flapping; large
pale-blue shoulder patch, green speculum, and white triangular area between
shoulder and speculum all seen when flapping and variously any or all or
none of these colored areas showing at various times when at rest; flushed
about 2:25 and flew N with several Green-winged Teal and other ducks, flying
erratically north and appearing to descend into marsh in southeast part of
Main Pool across Wildlife Drive beyond end of Larue's; distinctly auburn
cast to entire head, neck & body as it flew. I have seen more typical and
richly colored breeding male in Isla Vista, CA, and in Yellowstone NP, WY.
New for me for NYS, new for Cayuga Lake Basin list if it is indeed a
transition plumage male Cinnamon and not a hybrid Blue-winged X Cinnamon
Teal. Photos by Ann Mitchell, Gary Kohlenberg, Jay McGowan, Kevin McGowan,
probably Wade Rowley, possibly Carl Steckler; also seen by Meg Richardson,
Lee Ann Van Leer, Melissa Rowley, Joe Wing and possibly a few others."


Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) (1)
- Reported Nov 01, 2015 09:43 by James Osborn
- Montezuma NWR--Main Pool, Seneca, New York
- Map:
- Checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S25664128
- Comments: "Bird seen leaving Larue's Lagoon and heading West into the Main
Pool at around 2:30 PM. I watched this bird for 90 minutes in the morning
and 45 minutes in the afternoon. The bird was photographed by Jay McGowan,
Kevin McGowan, Wade Rowley, Ann Mitchell, Gary Kohlenberg, amongst others.
Description: uniform smooth cinnamon face and head, dark bill that appeared
slightly larger than the Female Blue-wings, somewhat uniform coloration on
the body, and blue-over-white shoulder patch with green speculum. The bird
appears to be a Drake in "transition". It was hanging around with 2 Female
Blue-winged-winged Teals all morning."

Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) (1)
- Reported Nov 01, 2015 12:17 by Jay McGowan
- Montezuma NWR--Wildlife Drive, Seneca, New York
- Map:
- Checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S25665827
- Media: 5 Photos
- Comments: "****Very rare, found earlier today by James Osborn.
Transitional male in back of Larue's, only visible from Seneca Trail looking


Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera) (1)
- Reported Nov 01, 2015 12:32 by J Gary Kohlenberg
- Montezuma NWR--Wildlife Drive, Seneca, New York
- Map:
- Checklist: http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist?subID=S25662994
- Comments: "***Mega. Found by Jim Osborn, reported by Bob McGuire and Lang
Elliot at LaRue's Lagoon. Jay and Livia picked it out from the Seneca Trail.
Associating regularly with female Blue-winged Teal. Several times
interacting in what seemed like courtship behavior. It spent the hour we
observed it swimming and feeding in the SE corner of the lagoon best visible
from the Seneca Trail. Many times view was blocked by a small grass clump or
the cattails. Looked like transitional plumage male, rich cinnamon colored,
but not as deeply uniform or smooth as full breeding plumage. Deep black
bill looked slightly larger than BWTE but may have been misleading due to
contrast. Blue over white wing patch with green speculum. A small light hip
patch led to some discussion of a possible hybrid, but transition plumage
made other areas of the sides look light in places. Smooth plain cinnamon
face looked good for CITE. At about 2:30 it flew with others across the
wildlife drive to the main pool near the road. 
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Willie D'Anna

Betsy Potter

Wilson, NY


http://www.betsypottersart.com <http://www.betsypottersart.com/> 

2013 Big Year: http://www.betsypottersart.com/willie-s-photos/2013-big-year/

Odonates: https://www.flickr.com/photos/107683885@N07/sets/72157653377711578




NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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