A little before 10:30 this morning, Celeste Morien and I had three swallows
flying right along the lakeshore at Golden Hill State Park in Niagara
County. I was able to get two in the scope and confirm that they were CAVE
SWALLOWS, noting the square tail tip, buffy throat, and pale rump. The third
swallow was likely the same species but we were unable to confirm that. Our
complete checklist follows.


Golden Hill SP, Niagara, New York, US

Nov 12, 2015 8:43 AM - 1:43 PM

Protocol: Traveling

0.1 mile(s)

Comments:     With Celeste Morien.  Submitted from eBird for iOS, version
1.1.3 Build 30

33 species (+2 other taxa)


Canada Goose  400

American Wigeon  1

Northern Pintail  3

Ring-necked Duck  1

Greater Scaup  4

White-winged Scoter  38

Surf/Black Scoter  1

Long-tailed Duck  134

Bufflehead  2

Common Goldeneye  21

Common Merganser  1

Red-breasted Merganser  403

Red-throated Loon  144

Common Loon  24

Horned Grebe  10

Red-necked Grebe  32     About 12 on the water and the rest in flight.

Double-crested Cormorant  1

Bonaparte's Gull  229

Ring-billed Gull  69

Herring Gull  91

Great Black-backed Gull  9

Blue Jay  4

American Crow  3

Cave Swallow  2     I noticed a swallow right in front of and above us and
got Celeste on it. It had a pale buffy throat, was darkish above, and had a
square tail. After it was past us I got it in the scope and could see that
it had a pale rump. Celeste noted another swallow with it and I got it in
the scope, eventually seeing a pale throat and rump, as well as similar size
and shape to the first swallow. Celeste then noted a third swallow with the
first two but I never saw that one.

swallow sp.  1     Celeste saw this bird in binoculars and said that it
looked similar to the Cave Swallows it was with but she could not see color

Black-capped Chickadee  3

American Robin  2

European Starling  6

Cedar Waxwing  75

Snow Bunting  1

American Tree Sparrow  1

Dark-eyed Junco  14

White-crowned Sparrow  1

Northern Cardinal  1

American Goldfinch  1


View this checklist online at


Good birding!



Willie D'Anna

Betsy Potter

Wilson, NY


http://www.betsypottersart.com <http://www.betsypottersart.com/> 

2013 Big Year: http://www.betsypottersart.com/willie-s-photos/2013-big-year/

Odonates: https://www.flickr.com/photos/107683885@N07/sets/72157653377711578




NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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