Was just now messaging her teaching her steps to sign up and post her sighting 
on nysbirds. She just didn't know how.  But....I see partial info just posted 
for her. Will update her. 

> On Dec 15, 2015, at 7:33 PM, Larry Trachtenberg <trachtenb...@amsllp.com> 
> wrote:
> Is there a reason these folks refuse to get the word out on NYS birds before 
> the end of day and instead wait to (I assume)crop photos to put up on 
> Facebook after the birding day is over. Just asking.  If I see something of 
> interest at the Point I always try and post quickly to NYSBirds, which 
> everyone then sees promptly and folks can decide if a trip is worth it. Of 
> course it takes all of ten or twenty seconds to do that so perhaps it's too 
> much effort when there's a rare bird at the Point or elsewhere. And yes 
> curmudgeons such as myself are not (and won't be) on Facebook. And so it 
> goes. 
> Good luck on this week's CBCs.  One more day and the Lark sparrow will make 
> "count week", at least, for the Northern Westchester - Peekskill count. 
> L. Trachtenberg
> Ossining 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 15, 2015, at 7:10 PM, Ryan MacLean <mountainja...@aol.com> wrote:
>> Linda Scrima just posted on NYbird Facebook page that the Lark Sparrow was 
>> infact still being seen at Croton Point Park today. No details on what time 
>> though.
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