I don't know if the photos are publicly accessible but Cesar the finder
sent Corey photos that he took and they were posted in NY FB group. Those
photos looked more like a Clay-colored Sparrow. Keep in mind as we discuss
this bird that the light conditions yesterday at Flushing Meadows was
overcast for much of the day which could play a role in how the plumage
looked in photos taken yesterday vs the day it was found.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Shaibal Mitra <shaibal.mi...@csi.cuny.edu>

> To clarify one point that has been raised, Clay-colored Sparrow is also
> very long-tailed, like Brewer's. This distinction vs. Chipping
> (shorter-tailed) is sometimes evident in the field.
> Shai Mitra
> Bay Shore
> ________________________________________
> From: bounce-120005371-3714...@list.cornell.edu [
> bounce-120005371-3714...@list.cornell.edu] on behalf of Steve Walter [
> swalte...@verizon.net]
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 9:41 PM
> To: 'NY Birds'
> Subject: RE: [nysbirds-l] Queens spizella sparrow
> I had the opportunity to photograph a few Brewer’s in Arizona in September
> 2012. I say Brewer’s because they are expected there – vastly outnumbering
> Clay-colored. But matching up some of the pictures to field guides was more
> difficult than you would think, especially with few actual photographs to
> compare to.  I have a few of my pictures available online still, if anyone
> wants to compare. In one of them, the tail appears especially long. Also of
> note is that the crown streaking looks finer to me than on the Queens bird.
> Of course, age and time of year have to be taken into account.
> The address is http://stevewalternature.com/steve/sparrows.htm . The
> pictures to look at are labeled Las Cienagas 07, 08, and 09.
> Steve Walter
> From: bounce-120005318-8873...@list.cornell.edu [mailto:
> bounce-120005318-8873...@list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of David Klauber
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 8:36 PM
> To: NY Birds <nysbirds-l@cornell.edu>
> Subject: [nysbirds-l] Queens spizella sparrow
>  I've done a bit of research on this and I think identification to species
> is inconclusive, as there seem to be characteristics that favor  both
> Clay-colored and Brewer's. There is more confusion because I think the side
> of the face that shows a black semi-circle might be feather bases caused by
> the wind or ruffled feathers, since neither species shows this. Like almost
> everyone else I don't have extensive experience with either species,
> especially Brewer's, but here's what I've found from checking the Nat Geo,
> Sibley, Stokes photo guide, and Rising & Beadle's sparrow guide.
> There seems to be weak streaking on the gray nape, which I think should be
> stronger for Brewer's, but shouldn't be there for Clay-colored. The
> eye-ring seems a bit weak for Brewer's as well - could it be worn? The
> black streaks on the back are listed as good for Brewer's by Rising, etc,
> but Sibley paints Clay-colors with a similar pattern. Deborah Allen
> mentioned the tail looking short for Brewer's, and most books show Brewer's
> with a long tail. The overall color looks more like the grayish-brown of
> Brewer's. The face pattern doesn't look strong enough for Clay-color, but
> doesn't really match Brewer's either.
> The Stokes guide has a photo on page 666, bottom left, which comes pretty
> close to the Queens bird, but not quite. There is supposed to be a
> difference in the cheek color, but the previously mentioned black
> semicircle obscures this, although I think it's more gray (Brewer's) than
> buff (Clay-color). I don't know what to make of the faint blurry streaks on
> the side of the breast, but it does match the same Stokes photo. The pink
> bill is black on top, also good for Brewer's.
> So to my eyes a real head-scratcher. Hybrid seems the easy way out, but I
> don't know much about worn or transitional plumages for either.
> In any event a very interesting bird, even if it's a dull LBJ.
> --
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> --

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu <http://refspace.com/quotes/Sun_Tzu>  *The Art of War*

(= '.'=)

(") _ (")

Andrew Baksh


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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