Thanks Phil for your comments and also posting a link to the latest 
contribution to the Cackling Goose discussion.

I think often times we get too caught up in trying to affix a label on things 
even when it is not clear.

As for the "Smew" well at least the NJ folks are keeping a stiff upper lip 
about the whole affair. It will be all well and good until it shows up on 
someone's eBird list and then it will be on :-)

風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain
Sun Tzu  The Art of War

> (\__/)
> (= '.'=)                                            
> (") _ (")                                     
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device! 

Andrew Baksh

> On Feb 19, 2016, at 2:31 PM, Phil Jeffrey [ebirdsnyc] 
> <> wrote:
> 1.  The Smew is very likely a hoax, although some might still look for it.  
> See: 
> 2.  A post just popped up on "ID Frontiers" re: the CPK goose and the 
> Canada-Cackling morass in general.   I've appended a snippet relevant to the 
> CPK goose below.  Whole post is at:
> (The whole post might make you somewhat grateful that we really only have to 
> deal with separating Richardson's Cackling from various large Canada ssp).  
> The third sentence really should have some people revising their eBird 
> checklists.
> Snippet:
> "10) The NY bird. I love Tweit's analysis, can't improve upon it much. That 
> bird is not a Cackling.
> I don't like the back shape mark some alluded to for separating Cackling from 
> Canada.  Cathy Sheeter did some further digging into images, and she also 
> does not like that mark. I am not at all certain whence it arises. The 
> relative wing length ... I think is proportional to size, not dependent on 
> taxon directly.
> So, if the NY bird is not a Cackling Goose, then what?  Hybrid is possible, 
> but the bill looks well within range of normal Canada. Cathy Sheeter 
> mentioned the possibility of a "runt" Canada.
> Ahhh. The NY Bird is distinctly on the dark side (coloration wise, not 
> referring to an allegiance to messrs Voldemort or Vader). Why would a hybrid 
> be dark? For that matter, why would a parvipes be dark (the ones in Colorado 
> are no darker on average than the Richys). However, the interior that breed 
> on islands in s. Hudson Bay (or is it James Bay?) are known to be smaller and 
> darker than those that breed on the adjacent coast (btw, these differences 
> have been proven by Leafloor to be entirely due to diet: amount and content). 
> This bird is small and dark.
> So, the answer is unknowable in my mind. I would lean toward, in order, a 
> small, dark Bc interior; parvipes, CANG x CACG. Those are my guesses. The one 
> thing that I feel confident of is that this is NOT a Cackling Goose.
> "
> Phil
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