Saturday, 9 April, 2016: First up, those not wishing to cross a big bridge (or get a ferry & a bus) to Richmond Co. to seek Yellow-throated Warbler may do so near the western end of Long Island, at Fort Greene Park in Kings Co. (Brooklyn), N.Y. City; the bird was within that relatively small park & was favoring trees above-near the Prison Ship Martyr's Monument - a rather easy find in the modest-sized urban park, which is almost as close to downtown (Brooklyn & Manhattan) as you'll find. (and thanks to J. Malbin for the quick heads-up on this list today, as well as the original finder and wherever his report came thru.) I saw no other birders there in my rather quick visit, but have to think a few other Brooklyn folks came by & observed, first of year in the boro'... & a nice "local patch" sort of sighting! __________ Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City Saturday 4/9 -
A Louisiana Waterthrush has now persisted at the Hallett Sanctuary - Pond section of the park since Tuesday, and later in the day this Sat., was 'chipping' & actively agitated due not to any human-caused issues, but to 3 Canada Geese making a big ruckus at the Pond's E. area, near the phragmites... the waterthrush suddenly flew in practically at my feet, on the east path by the pond, & then with further big flapping & squawking from the geese, the waterthrush made a flustered foray all along the east edge to the n., until it gave up on a goose-off, & went back to the Hallett sanctuary edge but far to the south, with many branches to hide it from easy viewing. I got very poor photos just before it did all of that, as I'm not equipped to do fast-action bird photos (the 'equipment' is, the 'photographer' is not...) Yes, there'll be some more of these in Central soon enough. Other interesting migrants also noted at the Pond this eve. were 2 Rusty Blackbirds, which were singing (the 'rusty-gate' song) a bit. There are still some Common Grackles also in that area, so one needs to ID cautiously. There also are 1 or perhaps 2 Rustys in the Ramble area as well; one's been somewhat mobile but there easily may be a 2nd there (all are in pretty much complete alternate plumage now, meaning there are little if any "rusty" tones at this stage). Further migrants at the Pond included Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, multiple Hermit Thrush, Swamp Sparrow, & a few other more- common spp. as well as resident sorts. 1 American Coot is still there also; 3 of the latter continue at the park reservoir, where today there also were 2 Hooded Mergansers, & about a dozen swallows late in the day, with Barn, Tree, & N. Rough-winged all represented. I did not notice any additional unusual or notable species at the reservoir. One other warbler than I encountered in the park today was a drab-plumaged Myrtle/Yellow-rumped, of which there have been at least a few already this spring. A few Savannah Sparrows are around now, most of the sightings I know of have been at the n. end of the park so far, but lots more of them & a whole 'platter' of freshly-served migrants should be on the way in coming days. Interesting that at least 2 common migrants, E. Phoebe & Hermit Thrush, were this day most common in the southern-third of the park... that situation will change... & flyovers at the n. end of the park are starting to include some Snowy Egrets along with regularly-seen Great Egrets, from the northern sections more than anywhere. Some additional trees & shrubs are starting to come into bloom including a few of the earlier lilac varieties, and also some of the crabapples, & certainly Amelanchiers are mostly in full blossom in so many places, as they have been quite widely planted in the park. Plenty more - & also much more will be out as sun (& warmth) return. good birds & everything else... Tom Fiore Manhattan -- NYSbirds-L List Info: ARCHIVES: 1) 2) 3) Please submit your observations to eBird: --