Friday, 6 May, 2016 -

As first found & reported by Adrian Burke yesterday (Thurs. 5/5), at least 3 Seaside Sparrows continue this rainy Friday morning at the Hudson river "greenway" path, just in from that path when seen & photo'd by me (& as observed by A. Collection a short while earlier to my arrival) immediately north of West 55 St. but on the pathway's meagre green strip, with few shrubs, trees & plantings. The 3 were more or less in same area, & also in the vicinity were at least a couple of Chipping, a Song or 2, and White-throated Sparrow[s], as well as more ubiquitous House Sparrow generally.  I was observing around 7:30 a.m. just ahead of heavier showers. Shortly before that, I also saw (but failed to photo) a Seaside Sparrow (good views of) at approx. W. 65 St. along the same greenway trail by the Hudson river, that first sighting (a 4th bird, being a good nearly 1/2 mile north of the trio of same sp.) was really along the river's edge, the Seaside there going along rocks & then disappearing into some thick grasses & scrub.

These birds are almost certain to stay the day in the vicinity, and the 3 near W. 55 St. were not much flustered at various human activities: joggers, a cyclist or three, & a fellow doing trash pick-up in a small motor cart.  Good luck to any birders trying, & surely the group of 3 are the best bet as to having luck, at least for this day.

Tom Fiore
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