Tomorrow evening (May 10th, 2016) the Linnaean Society of New York 2015-16
Speaker Program will feature the final two presentations of the season. The
evening programs are sure to be interesting and entertaining.


At 6:00 PM, Bridget Stutchbury, who teaches at York University in Toronto,
will present Frequent Fliers: New Discoveries in Bird Migration.

Each fall billions of songbirds leave North America on an epic journey to
their wintering grounds in Central and South America. Dozens of these
migratory bird species have experienced serious, long-term population
declines that are driven in part by the threats they face on migration and
while in the tropics. Only recently has it become possible, using
geolocators, to track the entire migration of individual songbirds to find
out how they accomplish their amazing round-trips and to map the critical
habitats they use during migration and while on their wintering grounds.


Following the brief business meeting at 7:30 PM, Thomas Seeley  will present
Collective Intelligence in Bees: How a Swarm Chooses Its Home. 

With the right organization a group can overcome the cognitive limitations
of its members and achieve a high collective intelligence. To understand how
to endow groups with collective IQ, it is useful to examine natural systems
that have evolved this ability. An excellent example is a swarm of honey
bees solving the life-or-death problem of choosing a new home. A bee swarm
accomplishes this through a process that was discovered in Germany in the
1940s, and that has been analyzed more deeply in recent years. It includes
collective fact-finding, open sharing of information, vigorous debating, and
fair voting by the 300-500 bees in a swarm that function as nest-site
scouts. Thomas Seeley's research at Cornell University focuses on collective
intelligence in animal groups. He is the recipient of the Alexander von
Humboldt Distinguished Scientist Award and is a fellow of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Both presentations are free and will be held in the Linder Theater on the
first floor of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
Enter at West 77th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue. All


Complete details of these exciting presentations and the rest of the
2015-2016 program can be found here:



Richard Fried

The Linnaean Society of New York


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