For two lower Manhattan locations WTSPs were spotted yesterday and today.
At St. Paul's Chapel Cemetery yesterday a White-throated was seen with
short fine dry grasses in it's bill at the north side of the cemetery near
the entrance on Vesey St. It flew into the trees where I lost it. This was
during a break from work so I couldn't stay long to track the bird or see
if there are still multiples here. On the 11th I had at least 5 WTSPs at
St. Paul's Chapel.

Today at Trinity Church Cemetery on the north side of the church three
WTSPs were seen. One has a tan supercilium (TS) and there are two with
white supercilia (WS). It was easy to separate the two WS birds since one
has broken/bent feathers on its breast. The other WS had a clean breast
with no damaged feathers. Both WS birds were seen close to each other in

I mention this since breeding White-throated Sparrows in the city are rare.
According to Birds of North America online nest-building commences during
the 3rd and 4th week of May. Under the topic 'Negative Assortive Mating' it
states '[a]bout 96% of breeding pairs (total of 5 samples, n = 709 pairs)
are either WS males mated with TS females or TS males mated with WS
females.' It's good to see that both TS and WS birds were seen at Trinity
Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC
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