I arrived atop the tower at Erie Basin Marina on Buffalo Harbor at 8:40 this
morning (Friday). I searched in the area of the spit at the end of
Donnelly's pier for about 30 minutes without finding the eider. I looked
elsewhere, then looked back again at the spit about 15 minutes later, and
there she was near the north end. It is possible that she was in the area
all along and perhaps underwater when I looked in her direction but I
scanned the water near the spit so many times that I wonder if she came in
from elsewhere. In any case, patience may be required to see this bird. It
was a bit breezy on the tower this morning making my scope less stable than



Erie Basin Marina is on the east end of Lake Erie along Buffalo's
waterfront, labeled as such on Google Maps. The tower is at the end of the
road. There is no elevator so you have to climb several flights of stairs.
Look toward the obvious sand/gravel spit at the end of Donnelly's pier
(labeled Horseshoe Reef on Google Maps). The eider has been seen resting on
the sand/gravel spit and swimming in the vicinity. A scope is necessary to
see the bird, as it is over a half mile from the spit to the tower. As Alec
Humann has pointed out, optimal lighting is in the morning with the sun at
your back. Note that Peter Yoerg looked for the eider for 1.5 hours before
sunset last night and did not see it, noting that there were a lot of boats
around, perhaps pushing it further out into the lake.


Good birding!



Willie D'Anna

Betsy Potter

Wilson, NY


Betsy's website: http://www.betsypottersart.com/

Willie's photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/107683885@N07/





NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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