There was a good amount of bird activity at JBSP early this morning. Starting 
at dawn, I birded West End then moved east to Zach’s Bay. Shortly after dawn a 
calling Dickcissel was observed flying down the beach near the marina parking 
area. On the sandbar were some three hundred American Oystercatchers with three 
Western Willets mixed in. Both kinglets were present in good numbers, but 
sparrows, due to intensive hawk activity (Merlins and Cooper’s Hawk), were 
confined to the thick shrubbery. A handsome male Baltimore Oriole briefly 
perched in the median, but quickly disappeared. A visit to the ponds between 
WE2 produced Pectoral, White-rumped, Semipalmated, and Least Sandpipers as well 
as two Wood Duck, Pintail, Shoveler, Gadwall, and Green-winged Teal. A 
cooperative American Pipit was meandering along the exposed pond edge. At the 
temporary Field 6 entrance through the small parking lot a well-marked Lark 
Sparrow was observed on the west side of the entrance. The incoming traffic 
quickly flushed the bird to the east side of the entrance where it was 
relocated in the early afternoon (photo). The late morning and afternoon proved 
to be much better for sparrows as the raptor activity subsided. Warblers 
numbers are declining quickly (except Yellow-rumped) - I observed only 
Black-throated Blue(1), Black-throated Green(1), and Palm(2).

Ken Feustel

P.S. The annual Breast Cancer walk is at Zach’s Bay tomorrow (Sunday). 

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