11th of November, 2016 -

this is written early in the morning of this day we honor those who  
have served in our nation's military - for myself, that includes both  
of my parents, and generations of grand, great-grand, and greater- 
grand- fathers before, and too many uncles and cousins and friends and  
neighbors and teachers and co-workers and more than can be counted -  
as well as, by extension, all the many women who supported, and  
maintained families, home & abroad, when duty and nation called men up  
and into battle, to service, and to unity against such enemies as the  
ones we defeated in Europe in WWII.  Thanks to all who have served,  
who sacrificed, who gave even their own lives in that service, when  
called: Never forgotten.

-  -  -  -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Thursday 10th:
A young Red-headed Woodpecker remained in trees a bit north of the  
Carousel and also north of the 65th Street Transverse Road that  
undercuts the park - this is south of the southeast corner of Sheep  
Meadow & the bird has been rather quiet and unobtrusive on most visits  
I've made there (& there are other more-common woodpecker species in  
the vicinity, which may be much more vocal & obvious) - have not found  
any additional Red-headeds in the park in some days, but suspect there  
just may be another or two around, possibly in an equally under- 
visited area of the park.

I Iocated just 2 species of Warblers for the day, 1 Myrtle and an  
Ovenbird, the latter continuing in the north end for what seems like a  
few weeks, if the same individual - a Blackpoll Warbler was found in  
Union Sqare Park (in downtown Manhattan) by Alice Deutsch Thursday - &  
there easily may be some other warblers yet lingering or going to turn  
up (in Manhattan) - besides multiple or multi-dimensional Chats, that  
is! (A Chat of recent weeks in Central seems not to have been re-found  
by multitudes of ongoing seekers; maybe it got inspired by the NYC  
marathoners & at the least, checked into 'downtown' quarters - there  
were actually some reports from 2 additional sites farther - from  
Central Park - downtown Iast week, besides any mentioned to this Iist,  
by anyone; whether these aII invoIved separate individuaIs, or not, is  
conjecture (if there were more than 2 chats in Manhattan at a time,  
that is- which is entireIy pIausibIe)

The reservoir was host to at least a pair of Hooded Mergansers (and  
another pair at the Meer) as well as a trio of American Coot (& a 4th  
remaining at The Pond in the park's SE corner), & the 8 Buffleheads &  
nearly 200 Ruddy Ducks that have been regular plus some Gadwalls,  
Northern Shovelers, & typical gulls, geese, and a p.m. visit from a  
Double-crested Cormorant.

Kinglets of both species, Hermit Thrush, Gray Catbirds (few), Eastern  
Towhee, & some other now-uncommon species round out part of what else  
has been seen lately in Central;  a much more thorough wander however  
may well turn up some nice surprises. The overall numbers of migrants  
(or potential wintering visitors) seemed down in the past few days,  
though, the more so by Wednesday/9th.

- - - - - - - - - -
"They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds."
- DeRay Mckesson, American activist & writer.
- - -
All who wish to support fact-based journalism over the coming weeks,  
months, and years may want to take out a paid subscription to your  
newspaper or magazine of choice - real support to actual news- 
gathering and working-reporter organizations: they will need that  
support now more than ever - informed citizens make good citizens, and  
help build healthy democracies.

good after mid-autumn birding,

Tom Fiore,
Manhattan - New York  - U S A - Supporter for the rights of all  
beings, and of-
diversity & education & opportunities. Born in the mountains of North  
in the shadow of Mt. Mitchell, NC, the highest US peak east of the  
(worked out of college to elect more women to local-state-national  
offices, with
some defeats and some successes; a supporter to progressive  
Draft-Registered but 2-months-too-young to serve in Vietnam - as that  
visitor & traveler to (so far) 45 nations / 5 continents; lived in  
Mexico 2 months.
- - - - -
Father & Mother - US Army, 1942-45 (WWII European-theatre, defeat of  
father in Infantry; mother in Women's Army Corps- logistics &  
Sister - friend, teacher, professional working musician, black-belt/3  
Grandmother - (support for NAACP, ACLU organizations, from their  
Grandfather - US Army - (WWI Infantry, BeIgium-France - the front &  
Grandmother & Grandfather (immigration, Italy - USA; fleeing fascism  
at home)
Aunts - mostly working women, WWII war efforts & supporting families  
at home
Uncles - US Marines, US Army, US Navy, US Air Force (WWII- defeat of  
workers in largest US companies - Ford, GM, Chrysler, GE, IBM, HP,  
etc. etc.-
national-local union members -all- dues-paying and supporting, in 8 US  
Cousins - 5 branches US Military Services, war & intelligence service  
Ancestors - US Civil War - service in US Union Army & US Navy; victory  
for US


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