We did not get the bird after 90 mins of looking. Cops showed up after
that. While they were taking info and issuing summonses, i kept looking.
they were good natured.

On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 11:00 AM nathan o'reilly natro...@hotmail.com
[ebirdsnyc] <ebirdsnyc-nore...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Did they get the bird before the cops got them?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 20, 2016, at 10:56 AM, Andrew Baksh birdingd...@gmail.com
> [ebirdsnyc] <ebirdsnyc-nore...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Sounds like reality TV. Let us know if any tasing occurs.
> "Mek Merika Grate Agin."
> --------
> "I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the
> ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own
> abhorrence." ~ Frederick Douglass
> 風 Swift as the wind
> 林 Quiet as the forest
> 火 Conquer like the fire
> 山 Steady as the mountain
> Sun Tzu <http://refspace.com/quotes/Sun_Tzu>  *The Art of War*
> <http://refspace.com/quotes/The_Art_of_War>
> (\__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (")
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!
> Andrew Baksh
> www.birdingdude.blogspot.com
> On Nov 20, 2016, at 10:18 AM, Roberta <roberta.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There are currently NYPD cops pursuing birders inside fence. They were in
> unmarked car.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 20, 2016, at 9:07 AM, brian.whip...@gmail.com wrote:
> Can the location be clarified? Rob's report says Bushwick Inlet Park but
> mentions "north side of creek." Paul's mentions N 12th St, which is
> adjacent to the Bushwick Inlet ( the "creek"?) but a few blocks north of
> Bushwick Inlet Park.
> i'll check both places, but clarification would be helpful.
> On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 9:17 PM Rob Jett <citybir...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Sorry for the late posting, it didn't go through to the list the first
> time:
> As reported by Paul Sweet, found by Dave Nyzio ... just relocated at
> Bushwick Inlet Park. Must access through hole in fence at north side of
> creek. Bird is hawking near fence adjacent to brick building.
> Good birding,
> Rob
> A
> Sent via digital smoke signals
> Sent via digital smoke signals
> --
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> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Posted by: nathan o'reilly <natro...@hotmail.com>
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