Fred, thank you very much for your very good feedback.

YES, we are already coordinating with the NY and CT  Audubon IBA Important
Bird Areas  to come up with our list, which will include all their coastal
areas. <>

Note that our current effort also includes and emphasizes OFFSHORE waters,
such as those areas where waterfowl feed and rest, such as the waters SE of
City Island where 1200 Surf Scoters were just counted on the
Bronx-Westchester Christmas Bird Count a few days ago.

We would be delighted if you would like to work with our team to pull all
this together over the next weeks and months.

Tom Robben


*Subject: VOTE to support your favorite bird locations in Long Island Sound*
Date: Thu Dec 29 2016 13:46 pm
From: fredbee.eater AT

This is a better link:


On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 2:43 PM, Fred Baumgarten


> Dear Tom,


> I hope the list and its participants are aware of the Important Bird Areas

> (IBA) Program, which was developed in NYS by Audubon New York and National

> Audubon over a decade ago for just these purposes.  There should be a rich

> repository of data available to support the consideration of sensitive and

> appropriate uses of such areas based on a relatively objective assessment

> of significance as bird habitat.  See

> important-bird-areas/state/new-york.


> Thank you.


> --Fred--


> Fred Baumgarten

> Sharon, CT/Westchester, NY

> And Points In-between


> Formerly National Audubon Society IBA Program Coordinator


> On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Thomas Robben  wrote:


>> Dear Birders:


>> The state governments of NY and CT are now developing a list (and maps)

>> of important environmental locations in Long Island Sound, including good

>> areas for birds, fish and other life forms. This list may be useful in the

>> future if possible competing uses of these waters might arise, or if any of

>> these areas are somehow damaged, or are put at risk of damage. This list of

>> good locations may be of some long-term value to preserving the Sound, as

>> we have known it.


>> So now is the time for your voice to be heard, especially if you care

>> about any area of LIS!  Please "VOTE" informally for your favorite good

>> bird watching places (or/and good fishing places) in Long Island Sound  (by

>> sending us a simple email, as described at this webpage:

>>   ).


>> Just email to us the name(s) of one or more LIS locations which are good

>> for birds, maybe where you like to watch birds, and optionally including

>> which bird species favor these locations, etc. Follow the simple

>> instructions at this website (listed above).


>> Thank you, and Seasons Greetings,


>> Tom Robben

>> Research Committee

>> robben99 AT



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