Addendum to Dave's excellent description of the day: I passed the private
dock later in the day, and access has been roped off, with signs saying 'No


*Donna L. SchulmanForest Hills, NY + North Brunswick, <>*

* <>*

On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 9:09 PM, David Klauber <> wrote:

> Had some technology problems in the field so sent a brief message to get
> the word out quickly.
> The Ross' Gull was found around 10:30 by Bob Proniewych flying east
> (north?) of the causeway bridge that feeds into the town of Tupper Lake.
> This is a short distance past the town boat launch, near a cabin that is on
> the north side of the road. We later found out that apparently the gull was
> seen shortly before flying north past the town boat launch on route 30,
> about a mile or so south of the town of Tupper lake. The house where it was
> originally found was briefly checked before this and there is no open water
> or food there.
> As the day warmed up there was a bit more open water around the causeway.
> Specifically, the bird was seen on the ice next to some open water just
> north or west of the parking pulloffs near the beginning of the causeway.
> It later relocated a bit south to a small private pier just north of the
> town boat launch, easily viewed from this location. It seemed to be
> feeding on something frozen - fish? This was around 1:30 when we left.
> The Northern Shrike was seen near around 1 in trees opposite the tall
> smokestack on route 3. It was not seen there earlier. It was first spotted
> a bit west of this, but moved east along the trees, moving about 1/4 mile
> or so.
> No sign of anything of note in Newcomb.
> Gray Jays at feeders on Sabatis Circle Drive
> 10 species total
> --
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