Thursday, 2nd of February, 2017
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

A Red-necked Grebe found on the Central Park reservoir yesterday by  
Patrick Clair - continues this Thursday morning, seen & well- 
photographed by at least several observers including myself;  thru  
about 8:45 am the R.-n. Grebe was diving & swimming nearest the  
northwest portion of the reservoir, sometimes near the shore, and  
swimming a bit to the south, but still in western-NW 'quadrant', at  
that hour;  the grebe might go to any section of the reservoir & could  
take a while to discern if it os diving or riding low in the water as  
these birds are sometimes prone to do; the bird is in basic (winter)  
plumage, i.e. no red is obvious in the neck area.

Nearer the southeast corner were at least 2 Pied-billed Grebes which  
have been around for months, as well as 2 pairs of Hooded Mergansers  
and multiple American Coots.    A somewhat small Canada-type goose was  
out farther from the SE corner, but photos of that goose suggest a  
smaII "Canada type" or simply a small-ish individual of "Greater"  
Canada Goose, rather than a Cackler or any such, due to its' bill size  
& proportions as well as plumage features.

A young Red-headed Woodpecker continues its' winter stay in Central,  
at the area just west of East 68th Street, south of a park entrance at  
East 69th and the woodpecker regular near a modest-size Shagbark  
Hickory tree that is along the first path west of the above-noted  
streets.  Standing to the immediate north of a rustic shelter atop the  
Dene area, on a rocky outcrop, or the path just below & north, may  
find the woodpecker which can be well above eye-level much of the  
time, but has been seen at ground-level also; it has been very active  
at times and is sometimes aggressive to other birds, & even to  
squirrels in its' "territory"; a wait of some minutes usually reveals  
this active Red-headed in the area as described.

good birding, and thanks again to Mr. Clair for the find of the rarer  
grebe & his Wednesday eBird report w/ a photo!

Tom Fiore,

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