Today, between 1130 & 1340, I was scouting out Area # 26, of the DEC
Property in  Rocky Point, in preparation to leading an ELIAS Bird Walk
there tomorrow, starting at 0800. The non-optimal time certainly helped
achieve the meager total of 18 bird species, but managed to pick up a few

The best bird was a Red-shouldered Hawk, that took it's time, slowly flying
over an open trail, at a fairly low height. The Yellow billed Cuckoo took
2nd Place because it stood almost still for ~ 10 minutes before hauling off
- I used "almost" to cover 2 very short hops (~ 1 & 1/2 ' each). The
Black-billed Cuckoo was placed 3rd due to being airborne during all of it's
sighting. An adult male Scarlet Tanager took the 4th spot, when on another
day might have been the B.O.D. !  Sun-lit and singing, with flowering
Dogwoods in the background, made for an unforgettable spring day ! The
remaining 14 species were all common and expected in these woods, at this
time of year, however, due to my limited field time so far, they included 6
firsts of the year !

A 1st of the year Barn Swallow was seen coursing over what is left of the
Shoreham Sod  Farm. While ~ 2/3 of the acreage has been converted to Solar
Collectors, the south & southwest end of the property is still in turf.

 Upon arriving at The Calverton Grasslands, a pair of Grasshopper Sparrows
had me running all around before nailing their I.D...getting some neat
photos at the end ! I didn't get any meadowlarks, but picked up a Kestrel
while trying. The next set of connecting sightings proved to be the best !
>From the last spot you can look over the longer westmost runway (from
inside the property) I saw a lone Turkey Vulture flying over it. I then
noticed a 2nd vulture above the T.V., which turned out to have white wing
tips & a short tail...yesssssssssss!  As I started taking photos of the
Black, a smaller, lighter colored bird came into view, which turned out to
be the 2nd Red-shouldered Hawk of the day - how cool is that ? The
Grasshoppers and Black were my firsts of the year.

After taking care of personal business in E.Quogue, I routed myself home by
way of the Quogue Wildlife Refuge, where I added N.Rough-winged Swallow to
my FOY list.

P.S. Any questions - contact me offline, or call my (C) 631-905-7360 after


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