
So far, the Supplement has not been published, but the checklist reflects

As Brendan Fogarty pointed out on Facebook, Thayer's Gull is gone, Red
Crossbill and Magnificent Hummingbird have been split, and there are some
taxonomic changes. I think we're all waiting to see if that is the final
word or if more will be coming.

Donna Schulman


*Donna L. SchulmanForest Hills,

* <>*

On Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Paul R Sweet [ebirdsnyc] <> wrote:

> Hi Andrew
> I've seen the proposals
> current_proposals.html
> But your post indicates the votes have been cast. Is this posted? Curious
> about decision on other splits - Yellow-rump, Willet, Harrier, Junco etc.
> Cheers, Paul
> Paul Sweet | Department of Ornithology | American Museum of Natural
> History | Central Park West @ 79th St | NY 10024 | Tel 212 769 5780
> <(212)%20769-5780> | Mob 718 757 5941 <(718)%20757-5941>
> On Jul 1, 2017, at 8:11 AM, Andrew Baksh <> wrote:
> By now some of you have already heard that the AOU has taken the decision
> to invalidate Thayer's Gull.
> A bit of background: Considered a subspecies of the Herring Gull by the
> AOU until 1973. Thayer's Gull, received full species status based largely
> on the research of A.H. Macpherson and Neil Smith in the 1960's. Smith's
> work which suggested Thayer's and Kumlien's Gulls mated as separate species
> on Baffin Island was viewed with much skepticism and this decision by the
> AOU appears to debunk his claim.
> Ron Pittaway, a respected authority on this subject has published an
> excellent account of the history of this taxonomical debate and is worth
> reading for those interested.
> <>
> --------
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> 風 Swift as the wind
> 林 Quiet as the forest
> 火 Conquer like the fire
> 山 Steady as the mountain
> Sun Tzu
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>   *The Art of War*
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> (__/)
> (= '.'=)
> (") _ (")
> Sent from somewhere in the field using my mobile device!
> Andrew Baksh
> <>
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