Central Park NYC 
Sunday, July 16, 2016  
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

We couldn't relocate yesterday's Yellow-billed or Black-billed Cuckoos. 

Barn Swallows are doing well at the north end of the Reservoir, with all the 
young birds fledged. This morning I counted at least 17 Barn Swallows flying 
around the buildings at the Reservoir's north end. At one point I could see 8 
young birds perched on one building and 4 perched on another. The young 
swallows impressed me with their energy and their ability to keep up with their 

Last night I had gotten an email from Pat Dubren about an incident at the 
Reservoir. This morning she sent me photos. Then Junko emailed today. 
Basically, Junko spotted a Barn Swallow fledgling that had fallen into the 
water at the Reservoir Saturday (July 15). After swimming a short distance the 
young bird was sitting on some reeds at water level when it was killed and 
eaten by a Red-eared Slider. Pat took a series of photos which are not for the 

On a lighter note, this morning Warbling Vireos fledged near the north end of 
Iphigene's Walk. We got great looks at an adult feeding a fledgling, then Jeff 
Ward & I watched the fledgling attempt to fly after one of the adults. It 
fluttered down, and Jeff spotted it on the ground. The young bird hopped up on 
a low branch, and the adult found it immediately. 

Here are a few photos from Saturday & Sunday. 

Warbling Vireo Fledgling (Flying & Perched) near Iphigene’s Walk, Sunday July 
16, 2017:




Black-billed Cuckoo at Azalea Pond, Saturday July 15, 2017:



Waiting for Warblers,

Deb Allen


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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