To add to Steve's report, Arie Gilbert, Mattie, and myself observed a
Whimbrel in the area west of the flats.

Mike Z.

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 8:26 PM, Steve Walter <> wrote:

> It looks like the tern gathering thing, at least on the flats, may be over
> for the year. Just 3 Royals, 9 Least, and a handful of Commons (although
> Doug Futuyma mentioned larger numbers to the west of the flats). So when a 
> *Black
> Tern* came in, it was on its own.
> Shorebirds included 17 species (18 if you like to split your Willets), but
> nothing unusual – unless you want to say Solitary Sandpiper for the
> location. Interesting that all the Short-billed Dowtichers at Jamaica Bay
> are juveniles. Only 1 at Cupsogue was a young ‘un, not that there were all
> that many overall (maybe 20). Theory, anyone? A few Red Knots included two
> juveniles. Surprisingly few peep around, so overall a better balance than
> I’ve gotten used to at Jamaica Bay of late (95% Semi Sands). Lots of
> Oystercatchers gathering like they’ve been known to in places, although I
> didn’t know Cupsogue to be such a place. I estimated 90 of them on the
> rising tide.
> I knew it was time to leave when the shorebirds on one of the sandbars
> were replaced by a juvenile Peregrine. I managed some distant shots of it,
> then closer ones in flight. An interesting Peregrine it is, probably the
> darkest one I’ve ever seen. The upperparts are pretty much black, putting
> thoughts of Peale’s into my head. But it’s not.
> Steve Walter
> Bayside, NY
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