They’re amazing numbers - it’s likely you’re seeing post breeding juvenile
groups. How and why these groups form and function is part of Bernd
Heinrich’s classic studies. Two of his books - 'Mind of the Raven' and
'Ravens in Winter' are both worth reading on this. (Especially the latter -
one of my favorite books)

As in interesting corollary - I’m also seeing way more ravens right now
back on my upland farm in the northern UK. They were rare here before I
moved to the US. The winter courtship is well underway and nesting will
start soon. Although nothing like your numbers, the range expansion seems
truly widespread. Great news!


*Dominic Garcia-Hall*

* <>*

*NY  +1 917 740 1945*
*UK  +44 161 408 4002*

On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 at 04:47, Andrew Mason <> wrote:

> The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Soc. has been using trail cameras baited with
> road-killed deer to determine winter Golden Eagle presence in the Catskills
> and central NY over the past few years.  The numbers of ravens coming in to
> these sites is astonishing--hundreds at a time on occasion.  So many that
> they can strip a full grown deer carcass to the bones in a day.
> When I began birding in the 1980s, it was necessary to travel to the
> Adirondacks to have a chance of seeing a raven--what a range expansion!
> Here's a link to a photo of a modest congregation at one site:
> Andy Mason
> On 12/1/2017 3:25 PM, Andrew Block wrote:
> Nice sighting.  It is very rare for around here to see so many in a flock,
> but out West they are frequently seen in medium sized flocks sometimes much
> larger usually at a feeding site such as a dead large mammal.  I have
> personally seen a flock of 80-100 in Unity, Maine, back in the mid 80's
> flying over the Unity College campus.  It blew my mind when I realized they
> were ravens.  It's so great to have them around here.
> Andrew
> *Andrew v. F. Block*
> *Consulting Naturalist*
> 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3
> <,+Apt.+3+%0D+Yonkers,+Westchester+Co.,+New+York+10705&entry=gmail&source=g>
> Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705
> <,+Apt.+3+%0D+Yonkers,+Westchester+Co.,+New+York+10705&entry=gmail&source=g>
> -4629
> Phone: 914-963-3080 <(914)%20963-3080>; Cell: 914-319-9701
> <(914)%20319-9701>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Shaibal Mitra <>
> <>
> *To:* "NYSBIRDS (" <>
> <>
> *Sent:* Friday, December 1, 2017 2:43 PM
> *Subject:* [nysbirds-l] Astonishing High Count for Common Raven, Suffolk
> Co., LI
> Watching a Prothonotary Warbler flying around me in low, repeated zig-zags
> over open ground on 1 December wasn't the most unusual thing I saw this
> morning at the Suffolk County Farm in Yaphank, Suffolk County, Long Island.
> Pat had seen a couple of Common Ravens before I arrived and wanted me to
> see them. "There's a raven," she said, "with those crows." Raising our
> binoculars, we came to the same shocking realization simultaneously:
> "They're ALL ravens!"
> A flock of more than 30 Common Ravens rose above the treeline to the south
> of property; I counted 23 at one point, and Pat counted 30 at another, but
> there were clearly more based on the way that portions of the flock dipped
> in and out of sight. One of my photos shows at least 21 in the frame. The
> group gradually dispersed westward and southward, but ten or more were
> still visible at times over the next hour or so, including when Derek
> Rogers stopped by to see if I was ok.
> Prior to this I wasn't aware that Common Ravens occurred in flocks larger
> than a family group, even in places where they are common (except maybe
> along salmon runs in Alaska), and I would have thought that 30 was about
> right for the total population on all of Long Island.
> Perhaps there is an overnight roost there or nearby, to be worked out.
> The statuses of Long Island Corvus have changed beyond recognition.
> Whereas we used to have Twa Corbies, with brachrhynchos vastly outnumbering
> ossifragus, now there are Trois--and nowadays a count of 30 American Crows
> would be quite notable anywhere on western LI.
> Shai Mitra
> Bay Shore
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