City Nature Challenge - iNaturalist Competition – NYC vs 60 other cities April 
The City University of NY (CUNY) Macaulay Honors College is organizing the NYC 
arm of the City Nature Challenge. Over 60 cities throughout the world are 
competing. See <> 
Challenge: Have as many people as possible make iNaturalist posts of wildlife 
sightings in New York City between April 27-30, 2018. There are four ways that 
NYC can “win” this competition: most total observations, most verifiable 
observations, most species, and most people involved. 
Please note that I am not an organizer of this competition nor am I affiliated 
with CUNY. I am attempting to assist the effort by asking birders to each 
report a few sightings in order to boost our city's results.
If you have never used iNaturalist but you are thinking about it, now might be 
a good time to try it. Even if you don’t want to use it all the time, you might 
find it helpful once in a while for recording the exact location of something 
you might want to re-locate. If you have a smartphone, you can download the app 
“iNaturalist”; if not, use the website 
To use iNaturalist, you need both an exact time and location of whatever 
wildlife you have found - a plant, animal, fungus, slime mold, or other 
evidence (scat, fur, tracks, shells, carcasses). If you can take a picture or 
audio recording, you should do so, because without it, the observation cannot 
be verified to become “research grade”.  Unverifiable observations will count 
for 3 of the competition categories, so it is still useful to make them.
If you use the app, it will automatically record the date/time, your 
latitude/longitude, along with whatever photo you take with your cell phone. 
Suggestion: If you take a long zoom picture with a non-cell-phone camera, take 
a cell phone picture of the displayed photo in the back of your camera.
If you use the website:
You may enter a sighting with a photo from any camera without using the app. 
You would need to enter a time and location manually.
Or if you used the app and posted no photo or a bad photo, you can update your 
sighting with a better photo.
However you make the entry, you need to make some guess as to the species, 
family, or other grouping of the organism (“monarch butterfly”, “insect”, etc.)
You can read more about this at 

Nancy Tognan
VP, Queens County Bird Club <> 

NYSbirds-L List Info:


Please submit your observations to eBird:


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