Mourning warbler still being seen this morning at the SW corner of Bryant Park 
by a few birders - near the colored chairs and the “southwest porch coffee 

Please excuse my brevity.  Sent from my iPhone

> On May 15, 2018, at 2:25 PM, gabriel willow <> wrote:
> I led a bird walk in The Battery (formerly known as Battery Park), the 
> southernmost point in Manhattan, this morning. I think this park has a ton of 
> potential, even more so than other pocket parks in NYC: it's fairly large (at 
> 25 acres, much larger than Bryant, Madison Square, or Washington Square Park) 
> and even better, has an excellent mix of mature native trees, mostly the oaks 
> that are so beloved by migrating warblers. It also has extensive lawns that 
> are often fenced off to the public and to dogs, and it overlooks the harbor, 
> providing sea-watching opportunities and possible storm-blown vagrants. For 
> anyone who works in lower Manhattan, it could be a really productive patch.
> This morning was my personal best day in the park out of maybe a dozen 
> birding visits total: 42 species in about three hours, which would be a 
> respectable morning in Central Park to say nothing of the Battery! Six of 
> these were new for the park according to eBird. The oaks were fairly crawling 
> with warblers of a dozen species, and there were 6-8 Scarlet Tanagers 
> fly-catching around the park (there was some sort of small brown flying ant 
> hatch-out happening).
> Additional highlights included:
> Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (a very cooperative individual perching low in a 
> Willow Oak near the Battery Tunnel air exchange tower vent at the SW corner 
> of the park)
> Yellow-throated Vireo
> Blackburnian Warbler (several)
> Bay-breasted Warbler (one male)
> Canada Warbler (2 or 3)
> Wilson's Warbler (2)
> Here's the whole list:
> Canada Goose
> Mallard
> Double-crested Cormorant
> Great Black-backed Gull
> Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon)
> Red-bellied Woodpecker
> Downy Woodpecker
> Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
> Empidonax sp. (likely Least)
> Eastern Kingbird
> Yellow-throated Vireo
> Red-eyed Vireo
> Blue Jay
> Fish Crow
> Veery
> Swainson's Thrush
> American Robin
> Gray Catbird
> Northern Mockingbird
> European Starling
> Cedar Waxwing
> Ovenbird
> Black-and-white Warbler
> Common Yellowthroat
> American Redstart
> Northern Parula
> Magnolia Warbler
> Bay-breasted Warbler
> Blackburnian Warbler
> Blackpoll Warbler
> Black-throated Blue Warbler
> Canada Warbler
> Wilson's Warbler
> Chipping Sparrow
> White-throated Sparrow
> Swamp Sparrow
> Scarlet Tanager
> Northern Cardinal
> Rose-breasted Grosbeak
> Indigo Bunting
> Baltimore Oriole
> Common Grackle
> House Sparrow
> Good late spring migration!
> Gabriel Willow
> NYC Audubon
> --
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