I went out of my comfort zone yesterday and visited Bronx to do some birding 
for the first time ever. I am glad I did. 

After I saw the tweet by Jack about this bird, I decided to go and try my luck 
with this species that eluded me on few occasions in Staten Island. I live in 
Brooklyn near Verrazano bridge.

It took me and few other people almost an hour and a half until we finally saw 
We spent more than half an hour with this elusive woodpecker which spent most 
of its time on the trees by the open field between Hunter Island, Orchard beach 
and the parking lot. It was not shy at all and it wasn't bothered by our 
presence. It would fly into the forest for a short distance and come out after 
less than a minute. It flew above our head few times. Sometimes, it would stay 
for few minutes drumming on one branch. It was a wonderful experience. 

here is a video of this bird:


On another note, last Friday was a very special day for me and for Manhattan.
I saw the Long-eared Owl, a life bird for me, that was hanging around in Fort 
Tryon Park in the northern tip of Manhattan. It was very easily seen from the 
sidewalk of the circle where Fort Washington Ave meets Cabrini Boulevard. 

Here is a video of it: 


What was so special for Manhattan is the fact that on that day, Friday December 
7th., there was five species of owls in Manhattan reported to eBird. Three in 
Central park (Great-horned, Barred and Northern Saw-whet), one in Ft. Tryon 
(Long-eared) and one in Inwood Hill park (Eastern Screech). I wonder if it is a 
new record for the county or even NYC.

On a personal note, I was lucky to see seven species of Owls this year (five in 
Manhattan and two in Brooklyn) . The only one I missed is the Short-eared Owl 
which eluded me on few occasions.

Oh well, life is not perfect.

have a good birding (or owling) rest of the year.

Gus Keri


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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