Greetings All,  The 2018Ulster/Dutchess (NYUD) Christmas Bird Count was 
conducted on Saturday, December29.  49 individuals representing 15 fieldparties 
and one feeder watcher covered the ten sectors within this countcircle.  
Participants enjoyed moderatewinter temperatures ranging from a high of 52 
degrees during the early morning nocturnaleffort to a low of 42 degrees at the 
end of the day’s diurnal effort.  These conditions (along with a rainy 
latefall-early winter) meant water levels were high and void of ice and there 
wasno snow cover in the circle.  Winds didpick up periodically but did hamper 
observation on the Hudson River or otherlarger bodies of water and did not 
adversely affect passerine viewing.  All field parties did note oddly quite 
days withsome common species difficult to locate. This too may reflect on 
moderate conditions and the fact that birds werenot forced to congregate on 
small patches of open water or exposed ground.      Unusual non-avian 
observationsincluded a whooping four mustelid species, Wood Frogs and peepers 
vocalizing,various active insect species, and a guy washing his car in his 
  88 species and 14,007individual birds were observed on count day. The species 
list was two aboveour average but the number of individuals was the second 
lowest total in theNYUD’s history and more than four thousand birds below the 
count average.  A CommonYellowthroat identified at the Great Vly in the Town of 
Saugerties was theonly new addition to our composite list which now stands at 
127 species after eight years. Otherhighlights included a Gray Catbird and36 
Pine Siskins in West Saugertieswith a soaring Golden Eagle and 3 Northern 
Saw-whet Owls in KerleyCorners.  The Tivoli Bays area served upa good selection 
of waterfowl despite the heavy pressure of hunters including aBlue-winged Teal, 
9 Northern Pintails,and 28 Canvasbacks.  Notable in this sector as well were 12 
Eastern Screech Owls and 109 Black Vultures aiding greatly innew high counts 
set for both species.  TheRhinebeck area may have an exciting development of 
colonizing Red-headed Woodpecker with that speciesbeing observed for 
consecutive years.  The small portion of the Ashokan Reservoir withinour circle 
paid dividends with 5 RuddyDucks and a Common Loon while anewly accessible 
location in the Town of Ulster offered the count’s lone Common Redpoll and a 
sizable flock of 12 White-crowned Sparrows.  A ChippingSparrow in the Town of 
Ulster rounded out a robust list of 10 sparrowspecies for the count.
  Interestingly allthree falcon species were observed but exclusively in 
Dutchess County while 55 Bald Eagles were nicely distributedthroughout the 
circle.   Yellow-rumpedWarbler, Hermit Thrush, Purple Finch, Savannah and Fox 
Sparrow were speciesrepresented by just one individual respectively.  High 
numbers were recorded on 14 species andnew low counts were tallied on 11 
species including typical number-paddingspecies like American Crow (less than 
half the average) and Dark-eyed Junco (abouta one third the average).
  Once again I mustthank Steve Chorvas for his tutelage on CBC compiling and 
his patience andunderstanding with the annual barrage of questions I send his 
way.  His data entry on count day and wonderfulsubsequent spreadsheet make my 
job much easier. I must also give a special thanks to Pat and Steve Johnson who 
helpedwith preparation of food, set up, and the breakdown  of our well attended 
(33 NYUDers) post countcompilation.  Many others brought deliciousfood and 
drink and made our “apps and finger foods” themed get together asuccess.  
Lastly, as always, JessProckup, Wendy Tocci, and Kyla DeDea made sure our clean 
up was done in a muchappreciated timely and helpful manner.   I wish you all a 
Bird-filled and Healthy New Year,Mark DeDeaCo-compiler NYUDSAVE THE DATE:  
9THANNUAL NYUD CBC SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28th 2019        __._,_.___     Posted 
by: forsythnature <>     
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