Thanks Joshua.
Every March in Connecticut we have five to ten or twenty thousand or more
gulls surface-feeding in Long Island Sound waters, a mile or more offshore.

We are trying to find similar offshore events elsewhere on the US East
Coast, and to learn more about what is driving them.

If you are aware of similar large-scale events please let us know.

Tom Robben.
Research Chair.
Connecticut Ornithological Association.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 12:10 AM Joshua Malbin <>

> It would be helpful if you could provide some background on your bona
> fides and the purposes of this study. Thanks!
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 11:23 PM Thomas Robben <> wrote:
>> Dear Birders,
>> We are doing a study of GULLS  surface-feeding in large rafts (often in
>> the thousands; one thousand, to ten thousand and more), picking food items
>> out of waters along the US East Coast this Spring, focusing on February,
>> March, April and May.
>> If you see large numbers of Gulls gathering, swimming around  and
>> surface-feeding in large rafts, along the shore or up to several miles
>> offshore, during February-through-May,  please email me at
>> .
>> All gull species (and Brant) are of interest, including Ring-billed
>> Gulls, Herring Gulls,  Bonaparte's Gulls, and rare gulls such as Little
>> Gulls, etc.
>> At minimum we would like to know which species, how many, when, exactly
>> where,  and any other behavioral notes you may have on the events.
>> Our accumulated results will be published online  in June, including at
>> this listserv.
>> Thank you,
>> Tom Robben
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