Tuesday was a light-weight shirt day, with the temperature in the
mid-seventies, by the time Mary Laura Lamont called in the A.M., to alert
me to the lone, probable female, Evening Grosbeak she had at her
feeders.She was quite excited about her good fortune, for it had been 30
years since this specie had last stopped at her property !

Due to an operation on my right foot on 4/11, I'm still in a special boot,
and while able to walk, I am unable to drive. So, having to wait for my
busy chauffeur (wife, RuthAnn) it wasn't until 1420 before "speed-canning"
to a halt in front of "the" sunflower feeder, which at that moment was only
nourishing the likes of woodpeckers, finches and tits ! Mary Laura then
delivered the dreaded news, "the bird hadn't been seen or heard in over an
hour" !

We then settled into a pair of Adirondack chairs and had a nice "catching
up" conversation, while being kept busy checking out the 11 common species
flitting around the Lamont's bustling backyard. After about 20 minutes, ML
heard the EVGR call (a single grating note) a welcomed sign that it hadn't
moved out !  Although continuing to call, it took ~ another 20 minutes to
locate the bird, which was a good 60 yards away. It remained there a short
time before moving ~ 10 yards closer, only to disappear 5 minutes later.
While never getting within my camera's range for a good shot, Mary Laura
had, earlier getting a few nice photos of the bird at the feeder !

I, of course, was thrilled with hearing and seeing this species - the last
time being on the GD of 4/21/07 in East Quogue, when a single, male GG flew
over at a height of ~ 50 feet...while being bathed in GL !



NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NYSBirds-L
3) http://birding.aba.org/maillist/NY01

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